Date User Change
Jun 08 2013, 00:49 VorpalNeko +cleavage +cream
Jun 08 2013, 00:07 Aurelia rating:q←s, +naked
May 31 2013, 06:24 WtfCakes note 津路参汰 TSUJI SANTA 四季...: body: 津路参汰 TSUJI SANTA 四季ガール Shiki gaaru (Four-Seasons Girl) 四季って日本独自のものらしいですね。春夏秋冬、どれを描くか迷っちゃいますね〜……というわけで、4つの季節全部をミックスしてみました。そして、四季以外に日本独自のものといえば、やはリ漫画&アニメ文イ匕!そんな中でも昨今では知らない人は居ないであろう"アへ顔ダブルピース"という用語。どうですか?何かピンと来ませんか?……そう!ダブルピース!つまり"四"なのです!おお神よ!なんという奇跡!(って、ダジャレかよ!……すみません……。) 今回は自分で彩色&仕上げまで行いました。キャラクタ一と生花とアイスキャンディ一とマフラーと落ち葉の質感の違いを楽しんでいただけたら良いな……と思いながら仕上げたのですが……どうですかね?……どうなのでしょうか……o 最後に、このような素晴らしい機会を2度も与えていただいて恐縮しております。是非また3度目も……! Apparently the four seasons are unique to Japan. Spring, summer autumn, winter, it was difficult to make up my mind which to I decided to use all four, mixed together. Apart from the four seasons, what else is unique to Japan? ...Yes, manga and anime culture! One image in this field that I think is familiar to everybody is, ‘ahegao and double peace’. How about it? Do you get it? That’s right! A double peace sign—in other words, ‘four’. My God! It’s a miracle! was rather a poor pun. This time I carried out all the coloring and finishing myself. I hope you enjoy the different textures presented by the character, flowers, ice candy, muffler and falling leaves...that’s what I was thinking as I finished how about it...?...What do you think...? In closing I would like to say how grateful I am to have been offered this tremendous opportunity twice. I hope there will be a third...! , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 13:11 donicila -tagme
May 29 2013, 07:01 StardustKnight +tsuji_santa
May 29 2013, 06:55 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme