Date User Change
Jun 08 2013, 08:18 VorpalNeko +cleavage +dress
May 31 2013, 06:25 WtfCakes note 奈月ここ Natsuki Coco 思...: body: 奈月ここ Natsuki Coco 思い出すのは麦わら帽子の君 Omoidasu no wa mugiwaraboshi no kimi (What I Remember is You in a Straw Hat) こんにちは、奈月ここと申します。この度はまたまた素敵な企画にお誘い頂けて嬉しいです。あリがとうございます。 今回のテ一マが「四季」という事で、一番好きな夏をテ一マに描かせて頂きました。特に初夏の緑の力強さはこれから何かが起こリそうな高揚惑があつて大好きです。そしてこの季節ならではのアイテム麦わら帽子に眩しいばかリの白いワンピースと好きなものを詰め込んでみました。 この季節ならではのワクワク感と少しばかりの郷愁が描けて楽しかったです!素敵な機会をあリがとうこ'ざいました。 Hello, my name is Natsuki Coco. I am very happy to have been invited to take part in this great event once more. Thank you very much. The theme this year is ‘the four seasons’ so I took the opportunity to draw my favorite theme—summer. I particularly like early summer when the strength of the color of the green leaves fills us with the euphoric sense of anticipation. I included some of my favorite items that belong to this season, such as a straw hat and a white dress. I enjoyed expressing the sense of excitement that comes with summer, tinged with a slight feeling of nostalgia! Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 13:11 donicila -tagme
May 29 2013, 11:37 inchi +natsuki_coco
May 29 2013, 06:58 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme