Date User Change
Jun 08 2013, 03:21 blooregardo +miko -tagme
May 31 2013, 07:14 WtfCakes note 緋色雪 Yuki Hiiro うつくし...: body: 緋色雪 Yuki Hiiro うつくしきもの Utsukushikimono (Beautiful Things) 日本と四季がテ一マとのことで、枕草子の序文「春はあけぼの…」の季節描写全てを取リ入れた白拍子の舞を描いてみました。 金雲や衣装など、必要以上に「和」を主張しています。四季という美しき理を少しでも描けていたなら幸いです。 The theme is The Four Seasons of Japan’ and so I have drawn a Heian Period (794-1185) dancing girl, including all the seasonal descriptions that are listed in the introduction to Makura-no-soshi, which opens with the passage, ‘In spring it is the dawn..., From the golden clouds to the girl's costume, I have stressed the Japanese aspects of the picture. I will be very happy if I have succeeded in capturing some of the beauty of the four seasons in my drawing. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 30 2013, 02:04 WtfCakes +hiiro_yuki
May 29 2013, 07:00 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme