Date User Change
Jun 08 2013, 08:17 VorpalNeko +bandaid
Jun 08 2013, 03:18 blooregardo +thighhighs
May 31 2013, 07:16 WtfCakes note ぽよよん♡ろつく Poyoyon♡Roc...: body: ぽよよん♡ろつく Poyoyon♡Rock いちねんじゆ〜、すくみずday♪ Ichinenju, sukumizu day♪ (School Swimsuit Day All Year Round) はじめまして、ぽよよんワろつくといいます こんかいも、だいすきなすくみずをもち〜ふにはるはさくらひらひら、なつは かぶとむしぶ〜ん、あきはもみじ、ふゆはしんしんふるゆき きせつはいつでも、すくみずで〜ぴこぴこげ〜むしてたいな♪o(^-^)o How do you do, my name is Poyoyon♡Rock. I have used my favorite subject—a school swimsuit—as the main motif with floating petals of cherry blossom to represent spring, a flying beetle for summer, maple leaves for autumn and heavy snow for winter. Whatever the season, I want to play video games in a school swimsuit♪o(^-^)o, height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 13:12 donicila +school_swimsuit +swimsuits +watanabe_akio -tagme
May 29 2013, 07:02 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme