Date User Change
Jun 08 2013, 08:16 VorpalNeko +pantyhose
May 31 2013, 07:16 WtfCakes note 松之鐘流 canel matsuno ...: body: 松之鐘流 canel matsuno 春まで、まだもう少し Haru made, mada mo sukoshi (There is Still a Little Time Before Spring) 素直になれない幼馴染。彼女の雪融けにはまだまだ掛かりそう…、と心優しい(またはおせっかいな)妹様はお姉ちゃんの代わりに神様にお願いしてみるのでした。 Childhood friends who are not honest with each other. It will still be some time before the snow in her heart will melt... so the little girl has decided to make a wish to the gods on behalf of her elder sister (either out of kindness or because she is a busybody) that she will get together with her boyfriend. , height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
May 29 2013, 11:46 inchi +matsuno_canel -tagme
May 29 2013, 07:03 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme