Date User Change
Jun 09 2013, 05:58 blooregardo -tagme
Jun 03 2013, 00:29 WtfCakes note 憂 Yuu HAPPY 7 HAPPY...: body: 憂 Yuu HAPPY 7 HAPPY 7 国内外の神様を一緒くたにした七福神は、日本のおおらかな宗教観や風土をよく象徴していると思います。 見てくださった方がハッピーになるような絵を目指して、縁起の良いモチ一フをたくさん描いてみました。 I think that the way in which deities from around the world were combined to create the ‘Seven Happy Gods’ symbolizes the Japanese cultural climate and its stance towards religion. My object was to create a picture that would make everybody who saw it happy, and so I included numerous lucky motifs., height:150, width:150, x:225, y:362
Jun 03 2013, 00:19 WtfCakes +yuu
Jun 02 2013, 23:58 Bulzeeb rating:s, +tagme