Date User Change
Mar 31 2020, 07:17 hiroimo2 -tagme
Feb 21 2020, 03:38 Dreista +bunny_ears
Jan 20 2020, 06:06 Dreista -bunny_ears
Jun 15 2019, 03:17 SubaruSumeragi +amiya_(arknights)
May 24 2019, 05:49 1361157092 note 123: deleted
May 24 2019, 05:49 1361157092 note 故事的发生(empty): body changed from 故事的发生(empty) to 123, x:776, y:2399
May 23 2019, 07:55 大爱掌虎 note (empty): body changed from (empty) to 故事的发生(empty), height:483, width:464, x:797, y:2038
May 22 2019, 05:46 SaberEva07 note (empty): body: (empty), height:150, width:150, x:232, y:227
May 21 2019, 14:00 moonian +arknights +bunny_ears
May 21 2019, 12:13 hiroimo2 +animal_ears +pantsu +pantyhose +skirt_lift
May 21 2019, 12:03 hiroimo2 +chen_bin
May 21 2019, 11:57 hiroimo2 rating:q, +tagme, source: