
Deleted Posts

Post User Tags Reason
23377 petopeto fixed takeda_hinata replaced to crop white edges
23376 petopeto fixed takeda_hinata replaced with cropped edges
23361 Radioactive fuyou_kaede shuffle Rotated duplicate of 9679
23365 Radioactive tagme dupe
23360 Radioactive crease suzumiya_haruhi suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu undressing As requested by MDGeist. Cut-off at the top, and poor attempt at 'shopping out the text.
3807 saffy card_captor_sakura duplicate kinomoto_sakura replaced
23254 Sola86 kyon kyonko low res
6339 Anonymous pure_pure sakurazawa_izumi replaced
23247 petopeto izumi_tsubasu dupe
23205 admin2 tagme crappy
23200 admin2 onegai_teacher tagme duplicate
23199 admin2 onegai_teacher tagme duplicate
23197 admin2 onegai_teacher tagme duplicate
23191 admin2 tagme duplicate
23092 admin2 tagme to_heart to_heart_2 to_heart_2_another_days duplicate
23091 admin2 tagme to_heart to_heart_2 to_heart_2_another_days duplicate
23090 admin2 tagme to_heart to_heart_2 to_heart_2_another_days duplicate
23079 admin2 goto-p duplicate
23076 admin2 tagme duplicate
23038 Radioactive kanokon duplicate
23037 Radioactive kanokon duplicate
23035 Radioactive tagme duplicate
23029 Radioactive tagme duplicate
23019 Radioactive tagme Test - Please ignore this.
23017 Radioactive tagme Only Just a test image.