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You'd think an artist like Kantoku would at least spice up their artstyle a little bit over decades of drawing, but no. It's literally the same boring drawings.
that's the problem with drawing for a company. they don't want the spice. some of my favorite artists even lost the spice they had and the attention for detail when they started to work for a company vs free.
Arknovalisk said:
You'd think an artist like Kantoku would at least spice up their artstyle a little bit over decades of drawing, but no. It's literally the same boring drawings.
because it's a drawing from 6 years ago
Arknovalisk said:
You'd think an artist like Kantoku would at least spice up their artstyle a little bit over decades of drawing, but no. It's literally the same boring drawings.
I don't find them boring at all. OK, there's no nudity, but I think his drawings are so beautiful! I love them! And most of them are sexy. There are other great artists as well that doesn't draw R18, like Hiten, En Morikura, よむ (Yomu?), Mana (although they seem to have retired). There's also Tony that not often draws R18, at least not on Pixiv. But there are actually spicy R18 work from Kantoku; not as books or random illustrations, but as a game/eroge: But only those blessed with the knowledge of Japanese or Chinese can play it. Not my case, unfortunately. :(
By "boring" I don't mean they are not raunchy enough. It's just that they have the exact same look, MG127 is on point about what my problem with his art is.
Especially since at the first few years he showed significant and fast improvement, they reached a certain point, and never improved from then, in fact it kept getting more and more bland.
And while this might be from 6 years ago, really you can't tell it apart from anything in the last decade, pretty much.
Arknovalisk said:
By "boring" I don't mean they are not raunchy enough.
Oh, I didn't imply that you were talking just about the sexuality, I really don't find his art bland also; as I said: "but I think his drawings are so beautiful! I love them!"

Arknovalisk said:
Especially since at the first few years he showed significant and fast improvement, they reached a certain point, and never improved from then,
Maybe because they are already top tier? LOL. I mean, his works are VERY popular here on and often get very high scores. It seems they are loved by people here. But I don't know, one of my favorite artists, Sayori, keeps improving her arts still after over a decade. I mean, they were already great enough on NEKOPARA Vol. 3, but they got even more beautiful on Vol. 4!

P.S. Sorry for the very late response.
Thorcsf said:
Maybe because they are already top tier? LOL. I mean, his works are VERY popular here on and often get very high scores. It seems they are loved by people here.
I don’t know if they have their own manga (never heard about it), but they definitely deserve it!!! It’s been more than a decade since we meet Kurumi, Shizuku (what is their relationship: sisters, friends?) and their friends (well, as long as we can say that all of them are friends, if they are meant to know each other), and it’s almost if we could observe their respective “lifes” for all these years. In a sense, these girls ended to become our “friends”, too (am I weird to think that way? ^^). Well, his recent shift of interest toward Shizuku is fine, but I miss Kurumi, whose appearances are very rare, lastly…