
bekkankou cleavage feena_fam_earthlight yoake_mae_yori_ruriiro_na

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I personally dislike posting h rated images and I will skip it when i'm uploading. I don't come to moeimouto for h-images.

This is a parent post too - 12080, so the entire artbook will be going under this, just in case ya are wondering.
Can you post them please? Pretty please? Nah, if you don't want to post them then you're under no obligation to do so. It's not like we have to pay for this site, so I for one am grateful for all the brilliant images I can view and download at no charge.

Thanks be to all the great people at Moe Imouto!
I have the artbook on my bot on irc actually..
shadkats said:
Can you post them please? Pretty please? Nah, if you don't want to post them then you're under no obligation to do so. It's not like we have to pay for this site, so I for one am grateful for all the brilliant images I can view and download at no charge.

Thanks be to all the great people at Moe Imouto!
There's 200ish pages to upload and i'm like at page 5 or 6 so far. If you really, really do want it, ill upload all images, including the h stuff.
aoie_emesai, I can save you the hassle of uploading them one by one, I'll just import it from the server tomorrow
admin2 said:
aoie_emesai, I can save you the hassle of uploading them one by one, I'll just import it from the server tomorrow
yay ^_^,i'll stop. I'm at 30 and there's almost 190 more to go. Oh by the way, are your resolution around those I have too? 1900x2500 ish.
1928x2787 or so on most of them
admin2 said:
1928x2787 or so on most of them
yeah, that's what I meant ^^. I don't know why I posted 2500 ish. Those are the same I have too. Post away ^_^
Were these posted, by the way?
petopeto said:
Were these posted, by the way?
They we're never. Kero said he was gonna batch upload them, but I don't think he ever got around to doing them. If he doesn't I'll post the rest of them where I left off.
I batch uploaded the rest.
admin2 said:
I batch uploaded the rest.
Goodie ^^, 150+ would have been a pain to upload ^^