
« Previous Next » This post is #8 in the Megami #133 2011-06 pool.

fate/stay_night fate/zero matou_sakura toosaka_aoi toosaka_rin yamazaki_miki

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Other than that, it's nice to see those two together and happy.

But, yeah, this is a damn sweet picture.
Sakura was already taken in by Zouken at the start of Zero.
And this pic prolly has nothing to do with the official whatnot, they just simply wanted to draw them 3 together.
WtfCakes said:
And this pic prolly has nothing to do with the official whatnot, they just simply wanted to draw them 3 together.
pool #2197
There aren't any scenes in the animes of them in those positions, so what about them? Are you insinuating that those are all supposed to be canon?
It's not like Yuu from Zombie transferred to Ayumu's school and is able to take her armor off. (post #173994)