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« Previous Next » This post is #20 in the Nyantype #28 2012-03 pool.
- ? higa yukari 330
- ? mahou senki lyrical nanoha force 248
- ? mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha 4515
- ? agito 43
- ? alto krauetta 8
- ? caro ru lushe 137
- ? cinque 31
- ? dieci 22
- ? fate testarossa 2064
- ? ginga nakajima 55
- ? isis eaglet 81
- ? lily strosek 93
- ? nove 74
- ? reinforce zwei 202
- ? shamal 183
- ? shario finieno 18
- ? signum 322
- ? subaru nakajima 269
- ? takamachi nanoha 1847
- ? teana lanster 231
- ? tohma avenir 74
- ? vita 354
- ? vivio 643
- ? wendi 25
- ? yagami hayate 725
- ? breast grab 14902
- ? heterochromia 15361
- ? loli 55769
- ? naked 91522
- ? onsen 5889 magical girl lyrical nanoha reinforce ii 緋賀ゆかり nude vivio takamachi contact lens loli nude bicolored eyes completely nude hot spring nude female casual nudity
- Id: 206508
- Posted: about 13 years ago by risaxrika
- Size: 8606x6083
- Rating: Questionable
- Score: 70
- Favorited by: qwe0287, 帅是一辈子的事, dinahcross, lancelot_albion, cat_1015, KHSG, Vinterus, eventore, Veta91, AnotherNess, Moon_Serpent, person1358, zachfoss, pointtech86, Feez, joteratull, el-151f, kazuta00lord, LightBuster, x13lackcat, dragoncaliber, damz37, ast401418, frichies, soddein, SeeThrough, NineTails16, ditama, starrin, daedalus25, 紫幽恋, CWC, gaurun, Mortvia, calliste, Aoisola, Inferno, kyrmas, xellic, cobaltwater, yamada25, BMan67853, softworm, omnomnom3k, Kalessin, vita, noein1616, KiraNear, 53RG10, vladtet909, cpsulu, NEOKIRA, ttfn, johnishida, oronaldo, KiNAlosthispassword, Mugen_fuego25, Alioth, Ricky92, MugiMugi, Tonfish (55 more)
about 13 years agoSpectre[NSFW]
about 13 years agogn0420
about 13 years agok2m2daryl
about 13 years agoTrit
about 13 years agoI guess Teana won't be happy (where's my Subaru × Teana? >__<). And for Einhalt, she's a character of the "Nanoha-verse". Whether it's "Force" or not is not very important. She could have been present (or she was afraid of being raped by Hayate or Vivio too? In this case, it was better that she didn't come! XD), IMO.
about 13 years agonovalisk
about 13 years agoTalec
about 13 years agowhat's more some tags are really messed up here. "teana_lanster" and co. have the first name first, while the normal way would be "takamachi_nanoha" so the family name first.
about 13 years agoNote that, despite the fact they have Japanese names, Subaru and Ginga keep the "occidental order", because their "ancestor" (if I can put it that way) have moved from Japan to Mid a long time ago, but they don't have any connexion to Earth themselves.
about 13 years ago