
elf jpeg_artifacts mizuhashi_parsee monety pointy_ears touhou

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Maybe we need a separate tag for our non-elven pointy eared girls?
I've been thinking of making a pointy_ears tag. Any objections?
How do we distinguish between a real elf and merely pointy_ears?
Hmm, guess you would need to know the source material or the artist's intentions.
Maybe we don't need additional tags?
fireattack said:
How do we distinguish between a real elf and merely pointy_ears?
Maybe use both once elf is confirmed, but only pointy_ear otherwise? didn't think this question through beforehand, might not be worth the trouble or confusion.
Parsee's no elf though!
"devil" tag is also difficult. I'd suggest removing it as you can search for horns, wings and tail anyways
I believe VorpalNeko will confirm the some changes a little later.
I'm thinking of just aliasing elf to pointy_ears since elf can be subjective sometimes.

But, if there is a good argument for keeping the elf tag, then we can just implicate elf to pointy_ears. Elf would only be tagged in cases that it is known for sure that the character is an elf.
VorpalNeko said:
But, if there is a good argument for keeping the elf tag, then we can just implicate elf to pointy_ears. Elf would only be tagged in cases that it is known for sure that the character is an elf.
I think this is an ideal option personally.