
koto_no_ha_no_niwa landscape shinkai_makoto shinomiya_yoshitoshi

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The problem with Makoto Shinkai art is that it's hard to draw anything that looks better than just a raw screenshot of the same scene in the films.
Forget the films and real world. You don't need any tallent to do screenshots.
And now just think about all the work of author. About thoughts he had, while drawing this. About emotions.

It's simple)
He's saying that it's hard for Shinkai to draw something that looks better than something out of one of his anime movies. Since the stuff that he does for his movies look so good in the first place.
Oh. I really lost that.

Then I'm sorry, and, moreover, I agree with that.

Thank you)
NovaJinx said:
The problem with Makoto Shinkai art is that it's hard to draw anything that looks better than just a raw screenshot of the same scene in the films.
Munashichi personally does better in this matter. I watched the movie tho and it was one of the best visual experience of my entire life...