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- ? queen's blade 1472
- ? queen's blade rebellion 208
- ? annelotte 81
- ? vante 17
- ? yuit 20
- ? armor 20208
- ? elf 9297
- ? pointy ears 45272
- ? sword 30403
- ? tagme 43396 armour artist request pauldrons shoulder armor tagme artist tagme (character) tagme (artist) tag me shield tegme broken armeor pointed ears dark elf katana artist needed japanese armor holding sword multiple swords tagme (artist request)
- Id: 279961
- Posted: about 11 years ago by akusiapa
- Size: 1545x1954
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 28
- Favorited by: 帅是一辈子的事, fayssal, Cleavage, sj673856, ryuokyo06, Zherror, QwxLux, traviszhen, Leothos, hujisaki0123, ts7890, JoErUtO, vladtet909, jkezer, soddein, SeeThrough, Ricky92, Alioth, daedalus25, Mugen_fuego25, makiechang, stealhearts (16 more)