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- ? gerortho 1
- ? fate/extra 2133
- ? fate/stay night 10053
- ? saber extra 1750
- ? armor 20208
- ? cleavage 124697
- ? sword 30404 fate stay night armour pauldrons shoulder armor shield broken armeor katana japanese armor holding sword multiple swords nero claudius (fate)
- Id: 424816
- Posted: about 7 years ago by 김도엽
- Size: 2480x3507
- Source:
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 41
- Favorited by: Veta91, kkw, 515485231, 2315310015, ManaAlchemist, DarrenS, slinky, Elow69, qingxinyuyue, tYcvb, Yugo87, scdxx, TerraBlade, ctrl450, Nayora, Serial07, jeffcoatstephen,, sessyoin, zw1750481640, tiri6226, ZellaDayRE, Kashuu, mash, Marcoon, Stromi, liossa, xangel1943, Fruitylumi, nekomiry, makiechang, Healeffect, Izumi_Akazawa (27 more)