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- ? ninoude (ninoude44) 54
- ? fate/grand order 31144
- ? jeanne d'arc 3354
- ? jeanne d'arc (fate) 1388
- ? armor 20208
- ? sword 30401 armour ruler (fate/apocrypha) jeanne d'arc (fate/apocrypha) fate/grandorder fgo pauldrons shoulder armor fate/grand order memories ii shield broken armeor katana japanese armor holding sword multiple swords
- Id: 494714
- Posted: over 6 years ago by mash
- Size: 4093x2894
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 38
- Favorited by: LxK, fallenangelm25, HibikiKoume!, Asuna002, lazymushi, SubZeroInmortal, Cyberdemon, bakkou, Kashuu, suzuyui, Dyrnwyn, 梓喵, SongoPl, scdxx, oronaldo, ctrl450, SeeThrough, Akira128, KHNsonoda, WRoCKs, djc, Accidus, chlebekk, Yugo87, zhazero7, 锦绣小色,, qq2580003939, darknessben, ycmzaoqi, Fruitylumi (25 more)