This post has a child post. (post #60827)

capura_lin eternal_phantasia fixed horns hoshiguma_yuugi touhou

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For me,it is really hard
I do my best to fix ORZ
you really like fixing huh? it took you around 1 hour.
sounds fast.
asterixvader said:
you really like fixing huh? it took you around 1 hour.
sounds fast.
Yes,I like fixing.

No 1 hour T_T
I take me half of the day
you said "I have to fix it" one hour before you posted this.
sonicshadow said:
For me,it is really hard
I do my best to fix ORZ
Do you intend to fix the rest?
sonicshadow said:
I take me half of the day
since the time I aligned this image, I thought it would take an half day to fix it, and I gave up ^^
thanks fixing, and this fix is awesome :D
tcsww12345 said:
Do you intend to fix the rest?
OK,let me try.