
densuke. seifuku tanihara_natsuki

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Maybe Name: "densuke. - Junsui Shoujo Baiyouki" is better.
fireattack said:
Maybe Name: "densuke. - Junsui Shoujo Baiyouki" is better.
I believe I left it as a public pool, anyone can change it. I just named it based on the directory name, I wasn't sure how I should break up the words.
"tanihara_natsuki (densuke.) - junsui shoujo baiyouki"
I won't use these kind of long directorys :P
Eruru said:
I believe I left it as a public pool, anyone can change it. I just named it based on the directory name, I wasn't sure how I should break up the words.
Of course you are right, but I can't edit any pool's name unless it is created by myself : (
I sure it need a higher user level...

And i think midzki's one is best. ^^
fireattack said:
I can't edit any pool's name unless it is created by myself
Oh I wasn't aware of that.