
crossover fate/stay_night mitsumi_misato saber seifuku takeuchi_takashi to_heart_(series) to_heart_2 type-moon yuzuhara_konomi

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Kalafina? Are you posting each as you scan and finish screening each of these?
Fate/stay heart? <3

This is ridiculously cute!!
aoie_emesai said:
Kalafina? Are you posting each as you scan and finish screening each of these?
I don't know much English.
But, probably yes.
I can only scan 1 or 2 papers a day because my working speed is slowly -_- ;

If I was wrong interpretation, sorry
合ってるよー =D
英語なんて適当に単語並べとけば意外と通じるもんです ^^
aoie_emesai said:
Keep them coming then ^^
Start something coming up to your directory then, aoie ^^