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feet nishiya_futoshi seifuku suzumiya_haruhi suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu wet_clothes

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... Damn! Why is KyoAni so obsessed with making me like Haruhi? :(

Since JP isn't around here, I'll be the one to say it...

Pretty! Wonderful! Thank you \(^o^)/
I still don't like you :'(
I admit it. I have a foot fetish.
kyoushiro,what's special about you?-_-
naitomea said:
kyoushiro,what's special about you?-_-
I'm just cool. Very cool. :)
Probably received a knock on the head when he/she/it was young.
Are you sure you weren't accidentally dropped on your head?
No :P


I'm just too extreme when I like something :3
I think you got a letter wrong there ;)
No he's right.

Being GAR is an honor!

But that has nothing to do with this picture!

So yeah, why is KyoAni obsessed to make me like Haruhi? >____< and they are too close with this picture, damn!
why are all the comments on this site always so immature
Because Season 2 has started-desu yo~
CC said:
why are all the comments on this site always so immature
no shit sherlock =3=
syaoran-kun said:
no shit sherlock =3=
I'm pointing my finger at you.
I try to keep the comments to the acceptable level, some get loose :)

*cough* Sayo *cough*
Feito said:
Because Season 2 has started-desu yo~
What did you say?! No! Not again! *crawls towards a corner and assumes the fetal position*

The Haruhitards are coming...
Hating things because other people like them is fashionable.

Now, if only the new episode didn't look like upscaled NTSC... It's so blurry it's seriously hard to even watch. It's just as bad as every K-ON release. I don't know if it's the actual broadcast or if whoever's releasing the raws is pranking everyone, but they look terrible.
Well, that means I'm back in fashion.
Is that s
Radioactive said:
Well, that means I'm back in fashion.
Is that so?
petopeto said:
Hating things because other people like them is fashionable.

Now, if only the new episode didn't look like upscaled NTSC... It's so blurry it's seriously hard to even watch. It's just as bad as every K-ON release. I don't know if it's the actual broadcast or if whoever's releasing the raws is pranking everyone, but they look terrible.
BS-TBS broadcasts are shit by default (k-on). As for can see it's shit from the transport streams too. Even though japan broadcasts a lot of HD stuff, the SD ones are terrible.

ps: SS of actual K-ON broadcast
petopeto said:
Hating things because other people like them is fashionable.

Now, if only the new episode didn't look like upscaled NTSC... It's so blurry it's seriously hard to even watch. It's just as bad as every K-ON release. I don't know if it's the actual broadcast or if whoever's releasing the raws is pranking everyone, but they look terrible.
I hate the Haruhitards, the anime is ok.

Who likes them anyway? Note: Just because you like the anime/manga doesn't make you one of them. It's the annoying people who won't shut up about things like the Hare Hare Yukai.
syaoran-kun said:
I don't know if it's the actual broadcast or if whoever's releasing the raws is pranking everyone, but they look terrible.
It's the broadcast, unfortunately.
Your quoting has given me a profound identity crisis.
petopeto said:
Your quoting has given me a profound identity crisis.
We're all petopetos! That sounds like "pedopedos." Was that intentional?

(Not that I even care so much about that show, though Yug is very cool--but it's just a temporary alias that stuck...)