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- ? boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai 1212
- ? boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai next 20
- ? hasegawa kobato 265
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- Id: 739714
- Posted: about 4 years ago by saemonnokami
- Size: 1659x1670
- Source: TVアニメ『僕は友達が少ないNEXT』 オープニング・テーマ「Be My Friend」
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 16
- Favorited by: MoilexDashPro, Daikengo, jojokl, lazymushi, vita, Yuichan, MichiMouse5, jimmy123321, 血魔弑天, ishmael3201, setunanoyume, Kamito05, 姬柊雪菜, 四宫辉夜 (8 more)