
5_nenme_no_houkago kami_nomi_zo_shiru_sekai kantoku pantsu shiomiya_shiori

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Ero Kantoku !
scan all inside please =D
All right
I'm going to scan.
Her stuff are great, but I couldn't find any results on mandarake, either im using the wrong search key words or there's none >.<
Whoa, I would have never guessed Kantoku was a girl.
I'm still waiting for my copy to arrive ;(
Kantoku's stuff always amazes me.
aoie_emesai said:
Her stuff are great, but I couldn't find any results on mandarake, either im using the wrong search key words or there's none >.<
they aren't listed on old database like mondarake web. he's getting popularity recently.

cheese said:
Whoa, I would have never guessed Kantoku was a girl.
it's aoie ;P
Sounds like a girl so i assume its one till someone corrects me :)

popular recently? Whhhaa, I saw "him" like years ago and I thought "his" work was already amazing. Slow ppl ^^

Moe's oldest submission of "his" illustration is from 2.1 years ago.