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cameltoe eris_greyrat fujii_shingo fundoshi mushoku_tensei sarashi

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Holy Mother of God!.... GOD DAMN, ERIS!
I really dislike inexperienced animator/illustrator trying to draw with uncommon perspective. I know a little about focal length in camera could distort the photo. Usually 10-16 mm lens will make body part looks bigger than it should. Or for building, it will look taller.

But in here the proportion just feel wrong. This make me remember bad Shana image from 2011.
No, you DO NOT get to post that image as an example to prove your point.
Sure, the right leg is a bit longer than should be, but other than that it's a well drawn illustration, unlike that unholy crap you linked.
omega8719 said:
I really dislike inexperienced animator/illustrator trying to draw with uncommon perspective. I know a little about focal length in camera could distort the photo. Usually 10-16 mm lens will make body part looks bigger than it should. Or for building, it will look taller.

But in here the proportion just feel wrong. This make me remember bad Shana image from 2011.
I have to agree with you, even if the Shana example isn't exactly the same, this perspective doesn't help at all.