
« Previous Next » This post is #15 in the Queen's Blade - Cattleya pool.

breast_grab cattleya kaneko_hiraku queen's_blade rana

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Cattleya is always awful - blacklist her!
yes.. please do.. so some peoples that do appreciate her dont have to deal with constant moaning from you guys.

People complaining about "moaning" whenever anyone has the nerve to say they don't like something are far more annoying.
We actually get a lot of complaining now >.<

"her thighs are too small/big" "face looks weird" "boobs too big"

Personally, I don't really give a crap if you hate it or like it Just don't bring it here.
Don't talk about whether you like images or not on an image board? That's completely absurd.
Peoples have a choice to open the picture based on the thumbnail version.. So if you dont like a particular character/pictures .. dont click on it .. ignore them or if you really must.. blacklist the tag.. You are not required to .. This isnt PTC site.


I dont like loli.. but I dont go around clicking each loli pictures and moans about it.
petopeto said:
Don't talk about whether you like images or not on an image board? That's completely absurd.
heh :)

I just ignore all of comments that seems useless to me. Though I do read them for moderation sake >.<
(=__=)... i read all of it.... but not the old 1~!!! dont fight for small prize it doesnt benefit ya much