haori iori
Male artist, illustrator. Formerly tagged as iori_(cpeilad) or cpeilad.
Japanese name: 羽織 要織 (Haori Iori)
Niconico nickname: イオ (Io)
Old names: 要織 (Iori), 皆无 要織 (Minanashi Iori), 要織 夕。 or 夢星 カイム
(Because this artist rarely uses his real name on the web we don't dare to write it here)
Circle & site name: 羽夢アステリズム (Haneyume Asterism)
Old site name: 夏蝉星
Japanese name: 羽織 要織 (Haori Iori)
Niconico nickname: イオ (Io)
Old names: 要織 (Iori), 皆无 要織 (Minanashi Iori), 要織 夕。 or 夢星 カイム
(Because this artist rarely uses his real name on the web we don't dare to write it here)
Circle & site name: 羽夢アステリズム (Haneyume Asterism)
Old site name: 夏蝉星
See also
- Home page: http://h-c-asterism.jimdo.com/
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3211072
- Tinami account: http://www.tinami.com/creator/profile/29816
- Suimy account: http://suimy.net/user/ioricaim/content
- Picmart images: http://ssl-servers.com/picmart/products/member/154
- Niconico account: http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/14551597
- Niconico community: http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co2117058
- Niconico Seiga: http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/14551597?target=illust_all
- Stickam account: http://www.stickam.jp/profile/concerto
- Privatter account: http://privatter.net/u/haori_crescendo
- Twitter account: http://twitter.com/haori_crescendo
- Twitpic account: http://twitpic.com/photos/haori_crescendo
- Old twitpic account: http://twitpic.com/photos/iori_caim
- Google plus account: http://plus.google.com/104325932540196390954/posts
- Mostla account (empty): http://mostla.com/user/61
- Shinka.net account: http://www.shinka.net/userinfo.php?uid=22975
- Circle.ms: http://c10260992.circle.ms/oc/CircleProfile.aspx
- Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYUOEMtbqlQlD_uFY0gKSqg
- Wakka Illust Order creator's info: http://www.wakka-illustorder.com/illust_pr.php?iid=331
- Old blog (1) (dead): http://ameblo.jp/cpeilad/
- Old blog (2) (dead): http://blog.livedoor.jp/iori_caim/
- Old niconico community (deleted): http://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co1749879
- Pixsys account (dead): http://www.pixsys.info/show_userinfo.php?y_code=881
- Old stickam account: http://www.stickam.jp/profile/cpeilad
- Ameba Now miniblog (deleted): http://now.ameba.jp/cpeilad/
- Tumblr account: https://haori-io.tumblr.com
Alias for | haori_io |
Updated by greenbananam over 5 years ago