
howto:artist db (Version 10)

In addition to storing artwork released by artists, the Danbooru system also will store notes and information about the artists themselves, in the artist database. This is slightly different from the artist and circle type tags, and the integrated wiki. Read the artists database help to get started.

More advanced
  • Unlike the main Danbooru, Moe also has a circle type tag, which functions a little bit differently than the artist one. Normally, clicking on the "?" next to an artist type tag will bring you to the artist entry, or a page to create a new one if one does not exist. Clicking "?" for a circle without an artist entry brings you directly to the empty wiki page. To associate circles and related artists, you need to go to the artist listing, and click "Add artist" at the bottom, and then enter in names in the "Members" field.
  • Creating or editing an artist or circle entry does not count as editing the wiki unless that artist or circle has something entered in the "Notes" field.
  • On an artists' entry, you will see one line with "View posts" and "edit". This will only edit the notes. The line below with the "Edit artist" link allows you to edit members, aliases and URL's.
  • In the listing, names with arrows are aliases. It points from an alias to the name an artist uses most often. The names in brackets are circles.
  • Adding members to a circle will wipe any information from an artist's entry if it already exists (this is a bug, but not likely to be fixed). Therefore, you should open the artist(s)'s entries to edit in separate tabs in your browser, create the circle entry, and then save the artist entries again.
  • In general, you should check if a Japanese name is already an alias for another artist before adding it to an entry. Aliases can only point to one artist, so adding an already taken name will remove it from the original entry (often with no indication, making this difficult to fix).
Since it seems like more and more posts originate from pixiv these days, and the tagging system there is crap, pixiv posts should be treated a little differently. Unless you know the artist of an image, it is almost impossible to relocate one certain image there, so it is imperative that you as the uploader tag it in the first place. Let's use post #70917 by sayori as an example.

When you browse pixiv and click on thumbnails, you will be led to the page with the medium-sized sample, which you click on to get to the page with the full-sized image.

  • All posts downloaded from pixiv should have an artist tag.
  • You should always enter the direct image link ( ), NOT the page with the sample in the source box when you upload something you downloaded from pixiv. The software is not yet configured to download images directly from pixiv, but having this URL is the most important part.
    • If you use Firefox, you can right click on the sample image or thumbnail, click "copy image location" and paste into the source box. Delete the "_m" or "_s" at the end before saving. You can save more time by not opening the full size image.
    • In Internet Explorer, right click on the sample image or thumbnail, go to "Properties" and copy the link next to "Address (URL):". Remember to delete the "_m" or "_s" at the end before uploading or saving.
    • Even if you're not sure how to tag or romanize the artist's name, putting the source allows someone else to find that image and try to translate the name for you (but you should leave a comment anyways).
    • Artist tags on Moe should NEVER have a *(pixiv#####) or *(pixiv) qualifier. There will always be a unique way to tag an artist. Comment if you can't translate the name.
  • On pixiv all artists have one login name which never changes, and a display name, which can, and often is. Use discretion when choosing which one for the artist tag. Every one of an artist's images will have his login name in the direct link.
  • If you create a new artist type tag when uploading something from pixiv, you need to create an entry in the database as well. This should contain a direct link to one of that artist's images or a truncated version containing the login name (ex either or with the slash at the end) to the URL box. You should also add the link to the artist's profile ( ) and any other websites listed on his profile.
  • Copy the display name if it's not in roman characters into the alias box.
As more and more artists are added to the database, you should be able to click "find artist" and get the right one each time.
Updated by Aurelia about 15 years ago