
howto:blacklist (Version 1)

There are two ways to modify your blacklist.

  • Click Hidden Posts on the index page. Type in what you want to blacklist and then click add.
  • Go to My Account and then Settings. Type in what you want to blacklist into the Tag Blacklist box and then click save.
You can combine a rating with a tag to block posts that have that rating and that tag. For example, "rating:e loli" will block every post that is rated explicit and tagged with loli.

When adding to your blacklist, make sure that each thing that you want blacklisted is on a separate line. For example, if you want to block trap and male, your blacklist needs to look like


and not "trap male". (This will only block posts that are tagged with trap and male.)

Make sure that you have javascript enabled or the blacklist will not work.
Updated by vistigris almost 16 years ago