
howto:blacklist (Version 3)

There are two ways to modify your blacklist.

  • Click Hidden Posts on the index page. Type in what you want to blacklist and then click add.
  • Go to My Account and then Settings. Type in what you want to blacklist into the Tag Blacklist box and then click save.
You can combine a rating with a tag to block posts that have that rating and that tag. For example, @rating:e loli@ will block every post that is rated explicit and also tagged with @loli@.

When adding to your blacklist, make sure that each thing that you want blacklisted is on a separate line. For example, if you want to block trap and male, your blacklist needs to look like


and not @trap male@. (This will only block posts that are tagged with both @trap@ _and_ @male@.)

Make sure that you have javascript enabled or the blacklist will not work.

Currently, the default blacklisted tags are @rating:e loli@, @rating:e shota@ and @extreme_content@ (if you registered before January 2009). The blacklist accepts all six types of tags and the @rating:@ (@s@, @q@ or @e@ - see howto:rate) metatags. Blocking a certain user's posts (@user:name@) does not work yet.
Updated by Aurelia almost 16 years ago