
howto:parent/child (Version 1)

The parenting function allows you to show that posts are connected. To add a parent to a post, type the post number you want for the parent in the "parent" box, or type @parent:nnnn@ in the edit box where nnnn is the ID of the parent post. Alternatively, in the index, you can choose the "reparent posts" mode on the left, and drag and drop the child post onto the parent.

General guidelines
The child posts are no longer hidden from the main index, but you should still choose carefully which should be the parent post.

  • Parts of one whole image - the post that has the majority of the whole should be the parent, and the parent tagged with fixme.
  • Variations of an image (official or otherwise) - fan photoshops such as nude filters, and vectors and extractions should be the child posts.
  • Parodies - The image being parodied should be the parent
  • Detext - Detexted versions released by the original artist should be the parent. Otherwise, the detexted versions should be the child.
  • Duplicates - the image that to be kept should be the parent and the child tagged with @duplicate@.
  • Censors - Fan decensored posts should be the child. Decensored posts released by the original artist should be the parent.
  • Crops and wallpapers - wallpapers made or cropped from another post should be the child.
  • Fixme - posts that have been fixed should be the parent, and the @fixme@ tag should be removed from the child.
If you have a post with child posts that you want to make a child of another post, change the parent of the old child posts to the new post.
Updated by Aurelia almost 16 years ago