howto:pools (Version 12)
Read the pool help first. Some features require you to turn on "Advanced Editing" in your settings first.
Therefore, if you fix an image in a pool, please replace the old post with the fixed image using "transfer to parent" or a metatag.
Other notes
- Please only create public pools that collect artbooks or a doujinshi together.
- The preferred order for naming a pool is "circle (artist) - name of artbook" or "copyright - name". Only use the artbook name without any other descriptions if there are many artists. For periodicals such as Megami Magazine or Dengeki Hime, use the format "magazine vol.nnn yyyy-mm".
- You can use the description box to specify the source of the posts in the pool if you don't feel like entering the site in the "source" box of each post. Also, it is helpful to enter the Japanese name of the book so that others can Google it easily if they want to buy.
- When uploading, using the edit tag mode or the tag script, you can also import a post into a pool using pool:number (ex pool:123), or pool:number:pgnumber (ex pool:123:0). The page number can be an integer or string. Remove a post from the pool with -pool:number.
- You can edit the order manually by clicking the "Order" link at the bottom of any pool page, or "change page" on the bar of any post in a pool.
- Other ways to remove a post from a pool include clicking the "remove" link at the top of every post in a pool, or enabling the delete mode in a pool page.
- When searching for a pool in the pool listing, search only using lowercase letters. You can also search by entering pool:number in the normal search box. Searching pool:*text* returns all posts in pools that have "text" in the pool name. Unlike the normal listing, which orders by date, searching for a pool returns the images in the pool's order. If you want to do a tag search and find the posts that are not already in a pool, you can search -pool:number.
- To make a quick link to a pool in the comments or forum, type pool #number (ex pool #530 ).
- Pages that are not really images but still belong in the pool - see howto:hide. If you upload a pool with more than 30 posts in one day, you will need to use the hold feature as well.
- When all of the pages in a collection have been imported into a pool, uncheck the active box in a pool's settings so that it no longer appears in the drop down list on the left hand side of a post page. Leave the public box checked.
- If you believe someone has created a pointless pool, or a pool created by another user needs the name or description edited, message Aurelia to fix.
- See forum #2182 for how to download an entire pool at the same time instead of individually.
- Please note that all posts in a pool will be shown in the pool page, regardless of the fact that some of them may contain posts that would normally be blacklisted for you, so be careful what you click on.
Pools and parents
At one point, if a post in a pool had a parent that was not in the pool, the parent post would automatically replace the child. This is now being phased out, but the old pools still need some clean up. You can keep the child post in the pool by clicking "detach from pool" on the top of either post. Similarly, the parent post can replace the child by clicking "transfer to parent", which removes the child and puts the parent in the same position. This second feature can be duplicated with the metatag -pool:nnn:parent.Therefore, if you fix an image in a pool, please replace the old post with the fixed image using "transfer to parent" or a metatag.
Updated by VorpalNeko almost 13 years ago