
howto:subscriptions (Version 1)

The site has many uploads each day and it is difficult to filter through all of it to find your favorite tags, unless you feel like searching manually. There are atom feeds to help make this easier.

  • Every tag search (up to 6 tags, no metatags except for @fav:username@) has a feed associated with it that will update when that search gets a new result.
  • Go to My Account > Settings and enter your favorite tags, spaces between them, and then click save. On your profile, there is a section "Favorite tags" where the results for this show up. You can also search @favtag:username@, and subscribe to this with your RSS reader. This does not work with union, pattern or negation searches, only single tags.
Searching @favtag:username@ and viewing images on a profile work with your blacklist. Any feeds you subscribe to will not filter out your blacklisted tags because they are not tied to your account.
Updated by Aurelia about 15 years ago