
screening type (Version 15)

2-bit AM screening, 150 LPI

A printing method used to print most monochrome manga. It consists of 150 lines of black/white dots per inch, and requires 600 DPI source data.

8-bit AM screening, 175 LPI

A printing method used by most artbooks and posters. It consists of 175 lines per inch using 4 channels (CYMK) at 256 tones each and different angles. It requires 350 DPI source data.

8-bit AM screening, 200~300 LPI

Similar to the previous method, but used by high quality photo artbooks and some doujinshi.

FM screening

A printing method used by some doujinshi. It matches 300 LPI AM quality, but due to the semi-random dotting that is part of the process, colors are a bit inconsistent.

Hybrid screening (XM)

A printing method used by some doujinshi. It is a new printing process combining AM and FM methods. It matches 300~600LPI AM quality, and there is no color inconsistency.

AM screening, 65~133 LPI
A printing method used for newspapers, cheap magazines and fabric goods.

Extra reading
Updated by Aurelia over 14 years ago