
Faults: watermark (Version 7)

"Watermark" usually refers to a symbol placed on the image, or text that is partially transparent.

This tag is for watermarks added by third party only. Examples:

  • Added by scanners, uploaders, translators (for scanlations), or other websites;
  • Added by hosting websites (like Chinese microblogging service, Weibo: post #413142).
Unofficial translation text also counts as watermark.

Watermarks added by the author / copyright holder should be tagged with official_watermark instead, and only do so when they are intrusive.

(3rd party) watermarked images should generally be avoided. It is only acceptable when the watermarks are relatively small and no alternative versions exist.

Images with watermark that covers a prominent portion of content (such as sample images for merchandise), regardless it's by 3rd party or by the authors, should not be uploaded.
Updated by fireattack over 6 years ago