Yes those are the ones! Thank you very much!. Looks like I failed to quote it properly.Citrusty said:
I'm not sure if you mean these books
Thanks for sharing! Your link for 基礎から学ぶ マンガ背景テクニック (コスミックムック) is incorrect.EdenGenesis said:
Thank you for your patience!
萌えキャラクターの描き方 顔・からだ編 (マンガの技法書)
線一本からはじめる伝わる絵の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法
鉛筆一本ではじめる光と陰の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法
基礎から学ぶ マンガ背景テクニック (コスミックムック)
CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! デジタルコミック基礎講座 – メイキングで学ぶデジタル時代のマンガ制作術
CLIP STUDIO PAINTでマンガを描く! 少年・少女&タテ読みマンガを完全解説!
More upload will come...
First of all, thank you very much for sharing. These books are really nice.EdenGenesis said:
Thank you for your patience!
萌えキャラクターの描き方 顔・からだ編 (マンガの技法書)
線一本からはじめる伝わる絵の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法
鉛筆一本ではじめる光と陰の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法
基礎から学ぶ マンガ背景テクニック (コスミックムック)
CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! デジタルコミック基礎講座 – メイキングで学ぶデジタル時代のマンガ制作術
CLIP STUDIO PAINTでマンガを描く! 少年・少女&タテ読みマンガを完全解説!
More upload will come...
But, there are a few things I want to point out. Please forgive my rudeness.
About Page Margins & Aspect ratio.
It seems that some page margins are added to your pdfs. Did you add them intentionally? If you didn't, please check your ebook converting software's settings(margins, page size, etc). And their aspect ratio also is changed little bit, compare to the sample images on the Amazon.
Of course I can trim the page margins, but sometimes it's difficult to tell how much I should crop.
So, may I ask you to upload them as EPUB format please?
I mean EPUBs that are not converted from your PDFs, but directly from your kindle files. Then I can easily extract the original images from them.
(FIY, you can get the image files in your EPUB by renaming your epub to ".zip".
So when you convert kindle, you can get the original image files(no margins, no aspect ratio change) by, Kindle->EPUB->ZIP(just renaming)->unzip & get image files. Or you can just directly convert your kindle into zip if there is an option for zip format on your ebook converting software)
About the link.
As Alice159 mentioned, your link for 基礎から学ぶ マンガ背景テクニック (コスミックムック) is incorrect. It's the link for 鉛筆一本ではじめる光と陰の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法.
Other minor things
CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! デジタルコミック基礎講座 – メイキングで学ぶデジタル時代のマンガ制作術
CLIP STUDIO PAINTでマンガを描く! 少年・少女&タテ読みマンガを完全解説!
were already shared before, they are on my DL LINK LIST.
So you don't have to re-upload these 2 books as EPUB format again.
Again, I'm really appreciate your contribution.
Thank you for sharing.
May I ask you to upload them as EPUB format please?
I mean EPUBs that are not converted from your PDFs, but directly from your kindle files. Thanks in advance.
jueony said:
For those who are converting kindle to pdf format,
please check the original aspect ratio and page margins before you convert your kindle. Some of pdfs that are shared here look weird because their aspect ratio changed. Don't get me wrong. What I want to do is not complaining about your works. I just want to give you information because even I, didn't realized that I made mistakes in aspect ratio & page margins when I first converted kindle to pdf.
You can check the original aspect ratio by checking the cover image.
In calibre, you can change pagemargins at [Preferences]-[output options]-[pdf output]. And you can also change the aspect ratio by using custom size option.
When I convert kindle to pdf, I always do this.
1. Check the size of cover image in the calibre.
2. Set page margins to 0.
3. Set custom size to exact same value to the size of original cover image, and select 'devicepixel' in Unit option.
4. Check 'Preserve aspect ratio of cover' option.
That's it. I'm sure that you can do similar settings even if you use different software to convert kindle.
I always appreciate your contribution and kindness.
Thank you.
This time the books are in .azw3 format, not epub. If you like I can share those instead.jueony said:
Thank you for sharing.
May I ask you to upload them as EPUB format please?
I mean EPUBs that are not converted from your PDFs, but directly from your kindle files. Thanks in advance.
What I meant was EPUB files that are converted from azw3.Vivian55 said:
This time the books are in .azw3 format, not epub. If you like I can share those instead.
You're using calibre to convert kindle, right?
You can chose output format. And please select epub or zip.
So that I can get the image files from them.
I can convert your pdf into image files, but then I have to edit image files(crop, fix aspect ratio).
Also, I'm not sure whether I can remove DRM from kindle file that was downloaded by other people.
So, May I ask you to convert your azw3 files into .epub or .zip format, and upload them please?
Thanks in advance.
yes sure! here are the 2 zip files:jueony said:
What I meant was EPUB files that are converted from azw3.
You're using calibre to convert kindle, right?
You can chose output format. And please select epub or zip.
So that I can get the image files from them.
I can convert your pdf into image files, but then I have to edit image files(crop, fix aspect ratio).
Also, I'm not sure whether I can remove DRM from kindle file that was downloaded by other people.
So, May I ask you to convert your azw3 files into .epub or .zip format, and upload them please?
Thanks in advance.
Actually, I use acrobat pro to convert images into high quality pdfs, and it doesnt add margins or do funny things to pdfs, but this time I used calibre since it reads azw3, but your method is waaaaay better! I reconverted to zip files (conversion to epub didn't work well, as the images got shrunk) and then created a pdf from those images. I have updated the pdf files on my original post, but the zip files are here.
Thank you very much!!!Vivian55 said:
yes sure! here are the 2 zip files:
Actually, I use acrobat pro to convert images into high quality pdfs, and it doesnt add margins or do funny things to pdfs, but this time I used calibre since it reads azw3, but your method is waaaaay better! I reconverted to zip files (conversion to epub didn't work well, as the images got shrunk) and then created a pdf from those images. I have updated the pdf files on my original post, but the zip files are here.
Hey everyone.
Here's a drive with a lot of Japanese ebooks related to CG, Animation, and design. it's got all CGWORLD magazines, MdN, BNN International - Ae for Animation (all 3 parts), and more.
The code is >animu<
If you have something that fits the collection, there's a link to a MegaDrop folder in the readme, you can submit it there :)
Here's a drive with a lot of Japanese ebooks related to CG, Animation, and design. it's got all CGWORLD magazines, MdN, BNN International - Ae for Animation (all 3 parts), and more.
The code is >animu<
If you have something that fits the collection, there's a link to a MegaDrop folder in the readme, you can submit it there :)
Wow, this link is amazing!babyshark said:
Hey everyone.
Here's a drive with a lot of Japanese ebooks related to CG, Animation, and design. it's got all CGWORLD magazines, MdN, BNN International - Ae for Animation (all 3 parts), and more.
The code is >animu<
If you have something that fits the collection, there's a link to a MegaDrop folder in the readme, you can submit it there :)
Especially Let's Make Character series! There are Japanese version of vol 5~10!!
We only had Japanese version of vol 9, 10. I posted the Chinese version of vol 7 before.
But now we have vol 5~10 and they are all Japanese version with great image quality. I'm really happy.
I wish that we'll complete this series someday.
Thank you very much!!!
No problem at all. I didn't know there was such a demand for that series, so I'll upload 1-4 soon.jueony said:
Wow, this link is amazing!
Especially Let's Make Character series! There are Japanese version of vol 5~10!!
We only had Japanese version of vol 9, 10. I posted the Chinese version of vol 7 before.
But now we have vol 5~10 and they are all Japanese version with great image quality. I'm really happy.
I wish that we'll complete this series someday.
Thank you very much!!!
Oh, do you have vol 1-4 too? I can't wait for your next upload!babyshark said:
No problem at all. I didn't know there was such a demand for that series, so I'll upload 1-4 soon.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing!babyshark said:
Hey everyone.
Here's a drive with a lot of Japanese ebooks related to CG, Animation, and design. it's got all CGWORLD magazines, MdN, BNN International - Ae for Animation (all 3 parts), and more.
The code is >animu<
If you have something that fits the collection, there's a link to a MegaDrop folder in the readme, you can submit it there :)
Actually I didn't have them yet, but I just got them from the kindle store and they're uploaded right now.jueony said:
Oh, do you have vol 1-4 too? I can't wait for your next upload!
Thank you so much!
By the way, does anyone know how to properly convert .azw3 to .pdf?
I used to convert them in bulk in Calibre, but no matter what settings I used, there'd always be a chance that the PDFs would get an ugly margin.
Now my workflow is KindleUnpack to folder --> img2pdf, which has to be done manually and takes much longer.
So does anyone know the right Calibre settings to just convert AZW3 to PDF while keeping the aspect ratio, size, and compression the same?
Convert them to zip and upload them here, then I can convert it to nice pdf using adobe pro if you like ;)babyshark said:
Actually I didn't have them yet, but I just got them from the kindle store and they're uploaded right now.
By the way, does anyone know how to properly convert .azw3 to .pdf?
I used to convert them in bulk in Calibre, but no matter what settings I used, there'd always be a chance that the PDFs would get an ugly margin.
Now my workflow is KindleUnpack to folder --> img2pdf, which has to be done manually and takes much longer.
So does anyone know the right Calibre settings to just convert AZW3 to PDF while keeping the aspect ratio, size, and compression the same?
Thank you very much! Now we completed Let's Make ★ Character CGイラストテクニック series!!babyshark said:
Actually I didn't have them yet, but I just got them from the kindle store and they're uploaded right now.
By the way, does anyone know how to properly convert .azw3 to .pdf?
I used to convert them in bulk in Calibre, but no matter what settings I used, there'd always be a chance that the PDFs would get an ugly margin.
Now my workflow is KindleUnpack to folder --> img2pdf, which has to be done manually and takes much longer.
So does anyone know the right Calibre settings to just convert AZW3 to PDF while keeping the aspect ratio, size, and compression the same?
You're amazing!
And to remove page margins in calibre
1. [Preferences]-[Common options]-[Page setup]
Select "Default input Profile" from the input profile and set all the margins to 0.0 pt
2. Apply
3. [Preferences]-[output options]-[pdf output].
Check 'Preserve aspect ratio of cover' option.
Set all the page margin to 0.0 pt.
4. Apply
To preserve aspect ratio,
1. Add your kindle to calibre library.
2. Check the size of the cover image.
3. [Convert books]-select 'PDF' from output format-[PDF output]
Un-check 'Use the paper size set in output profile'
On the 'Custom size', Put the exact size of the original cover image(ex> 1480x1920) and select 'devicepixel' from the Unit.
By this method you can remove page margins and you can get the right aspect ratio. In this method, you should always check the size/aspect ratio of the original cover image and set the custom size manually.
So I think it's easier to convert your kindle into 'zip' format(or Kindleunpack to folder), and extract image files from it and make a pdf with the image files by using other software.
Thank you so much!jueony said:
Thank you very much! Now we completed Let's Make ★ Character CGイラストテクニック series!!
You're amazing!
And to remove page margins in calibre
1. [Preferences]-[Common options]-[Page setup]
Select "Default input Profile" from the input profile and set all the margins to 0.0 pt
2. Apply
3. [Preferences]-[output options]-[pdf output].
Check 'Preserve aspect ratio of cover' option.
Set all the page margin to 0.0 pt.
4. Apply
To preserve aspect ratio,
1. Add your kindle to calibre library.
2. Check the size of the cover image.
3. [Convert books]-select 'PDF' from output format-[PDF output]
Un-check 'Use the paper size set in output profile'
On the 'Custom size', Put the exact size of the original cover image(ex> 1480x1920) and select 'devicepixel' from the Unit.
By this method you can remove page margins and you can get the right aspect ratio. In this method, you should always check the size/aspect ratio of the original cover image and set the custom size manually.
So I think it's easier to convert your kindle into 'zip' format(or Kindleunpack to folder), and extract image files from it and make a pdf with the image files by using other software.
I just set all these settings as you said, and the pdf output is perfect now ☺
So it will be much easier to generate these PDFs in the future.
I am really sorry to hear that you have detected anomalies in the books I just shared.jueony said:
First of all, thank you very much for sharing. These books are really nice.
But, there are a few things I want to point out. Please forgive my rudeness.
About Page Margins & Aspect ratio.
It seems that some page margins are added to your pdfs. Did you add them intentionally? If you didn't, please check your ebook converting software's settings(margins, page size, etc). And their aspect ratio also is changed little bit, compare to the sample images on the Amazon.
Of course I can trim the page margins, but sometimes it's difficult to tell how much I should crop.
So, may I ask you to upload them as EPUB format please?
I mean EPUBs that are not converted from your PDFs, but directly from your kindle files. Then I can easily extract the original images from them.
(FIY, you can get the image files in your EPUB by renaming your epub to ".zip".
So when you convert kindle, you can get the original image files(no margins, no aspect ratio change) by, Kindle->EPUB->ZIP(just renaming)->unzip & get image files. Or you can just directly convert your kindle into zip if there is an option for zip format on your ebook converting software)
About the link.
As Alice159 mentioned, your link for 基礎から学ぶ マンガ背景テクニック (コスミックムック) is incorrect. It's the link for 鉛筆一本ではじめる光と陰の描き方 ロジカルデッサンの技法.
Other minor things
CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! デジタルコミック基礎講座 – メイキングで学ぶデジタル時代のマンガ制作術
CLIP STUDIO PAINTでマンガを描く! 少年・少女&タテ読みマンガを完全解説!
were already shared before, they are on my DL LINK LIST.
So you don't have to re-upload these 2 books as EPUB format again.
Again, I'm really appreciate your contribution.
Of course I did not intend to add margins or extra pages.
I use the following software to remove DRM protection and to convert Kindle to various formats :
To remove DRM protection
DRM Removal Bundle – All in One eBook DRM Remover
To convert the file into various formats after removing the DRM protection:
eBook Converter Bundle
The only options available to me are to convert documents to PDF, EPUB, KINDLE mobi, Word RTF or Text format. And I also have to choose to change the page size to Letter, A4, A5 or B5.
Like the last time, you told me the format wasn't good, I changed the letter page size to A4 thinking that it would solve the problem but obviously, the problem is still present.
I do not know how to modify this software. I contacted the developers in the hope that they will help me to solve this ongoing issue.
The epub format is obviously not better. I can, however, offer you the files directly in kindle format for you to modify them yourself.
As for the books already shared, I am sorry. I did not know. It must be said that I have not updated the Excel file for a long time, and the list of shared books has significantly increased.
I intend to buy new books soon so I hope to solve the conversion issue because I spent a lot of money in these software and I even made a loan to the bank for buying all those books that I share. I am very involved in sharing with the community.
Although I am comfortable with the computer tool, I am not very familiar with some software like the macro recorder and so on.
Also, with my busy schedule, I do not have much time to spend on these things.
Thank you for your comprehension. I'll do my best to deliver the best ebooks quality possible in the future. If you know how to modify my software in a way I'm not familiar with, I'm all hear!
Thank you for the info. And you don't have to be sorry. It's okay.EdenGenesis said:
I am really sorry to hear that you have detected anomalies in the books I just shared.
Of course I did not intend to add margins or extra pages.
I use the following software to remove DRM protection and to convert Kindle to various formats :
To remove DRM protection
DRM Removal Bundle – All in One eBook DRM Remover
To convert the file into various formats after removing the DRM protection:
eBook Converter Bundle
The only options available to me are to convert documents to PDF, EPUB, KINDLE mobi, Word RTF or Text format. And I also have to choose to change the page size to Letter, A4, A5 or B5.
Like the last time, you told me the format wasn't good, I changed the letter page size to A4 thinking that it would solve the problem but obviously, the problem is still present.
I do not know how to modify this software. I contacted the developers in the hope that they will help me to solve this ongoing issue.
The epub format is obviously not better. I can, however, offer you the files directly in kindle format for you to modify them yourself.
As for the books already shared, I am sorry. I did not know. It must be said that I have not updated the Excel file for a long time, and the list of shared books has significantly increased.
I intend to buy new books soon so I hope to solve the conversion issue because I spent a lot of money in these software and I even made a loan to the bank for buying all those books that I share. I am very involved in sharing with the community.
Although I am comfortable with the computer tool, I am not very familiar with some software like the macro recorder and so on.
Also, with my busy schedule, I do not have much time to spend on these things.
Thank you for your comprehension. I'll do my best to deliver the best ebooks quality possible in the future. If you know how to modify my software in a way I'm not familiar with, I'm all hear!
I have some questions and suggestions.
Question 1. Does Kindle for Mac OS use the same format with Kindle for Windows? I mean, is it possible for windows user to convert your kindle files which are downloaded on Mac OS?
Question 2. Can you tell me the format of the output file right after you remove the DRM by your tool(DRM Removal Bundle)? Does the file format change after DRM removal? Or it just stays as azw file?
Question 3. Is it possible for you to use calibre to convert your ebooks after you removed DRM by DRM Removal Bundle?
Suggestion 1. If the answer for the question 1 is YES, you can just share your ebooks as kindle format as you mentioned. But I'm not sure whether I can remove the DRM from other people's ebooks.
Suggestion 2. If the answer for the question 2 is azw, mobi or other format that can be handled by calibre, you can just share your ebooks after you removed the DRM, without using eBook Converter Bundle.
Suggestion 3. If the answer for the question 3 is YES, you can convert your ebook by calibre after you removed the DRM by DRM Removal Bundle. Then you can use same settings as I posted in calibre.
Suggestion 4. If the answer for the question 2 is the format that cannot be handled by calibre, or if your 2 tools cannot be used separately,
You can just convert your ebooks into EPUB with your tools. Here's the reason why I choose the epub format.
FIY, the epub format is basically same as zip format.
If you rename a epub file as .zip file, you can unzip it with tools such as 7-zip, winrar, etc. And after unzipping, you can see the image folders and text folders etc. So you can get the image files from it. This is why I requested the epub format. What I wanted to do was renaming & unzipping it and getting the image files from it, not viewing as epub format. If you open it as epub format, you'll probably see the page margins.
You don't have to worry about the output paper size, margins, aspect ratio etc
Because I don't read them as EPUB, I just want to extract the image files from them.
Or you can also convert your ebooks to Kindle mobi format, then I can convert them into epub/zip format by calibre.
Well that's all. I hope we could find the best way.
And I'm sorry for bothering you for this issue.
ありがとうございますbabyshark said:
Hey everyone.
Here's a drive with a lot of Japanese ebooks related to CG, Animation, and design. it's got all CGWORLD magazines, MdN, BNN International - Ae for Animation (all 3 parts), and more.
The code is >animu<
If you have something that fits the collection, there's a link to a MegaDrop folder in the readme, you can submit it there :)
おそらくPDFのDPI設定が何かおかしくなっているみたいです。yossy1005 said:
Let's Make ★ Character CGイラストテクニック vol.1-10(JPEG format)
Anatomy For Sculptors - Eng verEdenGenesis said:
Hello everyone,
I'm so sorry for my late reply. I have been very busy recently.
I've purchase some additional kindle on Amazon and downloaded the KU requested book.
If someone has this books:
スカルプターのための美術解剖学: Anatomy For Sculptors日本語版
Please upload it as I'm very interested in this one, but it cost 5400¥ (about 43€) so I'd be happy if I could get it from here, even in it original English version. Although It'd prefer the Japanese one.
Anyway, I want to let you know that some of you will be very happy of what I'm going to upload.
As there are still a lot of books we want to get, I have something in mind that I will talk with those who want to contribute.
Help me , i cant see link ;(
わざわざありがとうございますjueony said:
Let's Make ★ Character CGイラストテクニック vol.1-10(JPEG format)
걱정 마세요. 전혀 신경 쓰지 않아요.jueony said:
Thank you for the info. And you don't have to be sorry. It's okay.
I have some questions and suggestions.
Question 1. Does Kindle for Mac OS use the same format with Kindle for Windows? I mean, is it possible for windows user to convert your kindle files which are downloaded on Mac OS?
Question 2. Can you tell me the format of the output file right after you remove the DRM by your tool(DRM Removal Bundle)? Does the file format change after DRM removal? Or it just stays as azw file?
Question 3. Is it possible for you to use calibre to convert your ebooks after you removed DRM by DRM Removal Bundle?
Suggestion 1. If the answer for the question 1 is YES, you can just share your ebooks as kindle format as you mentioned. But I'm not sure whether I can remove the DRM from other people's ebooks.
Suggestion 2. If the answer for the question 2 is azw, mobi or other format that can be handled by calibre, you can just share your ebooks after you removed the DRM, without using eBook Converter Bundle.
Suggestion 3. If the answer for the question 3 is YES, you can convert your ebook by calibre after you removed the DRM by DRM Removal Bundle. Then you can use same settings as I posted in calibre.
Suggestion 4. If the answer for the question 2 is the format that cannot be handled by calibre, or if your 2 tools cannot be used separately,
You can just convert your ebooks into EPUB with your tools. Here's the reason why I choose the epub format.
FIY, the epub format is basically same as zip format.
If you rename a epub file as .zip file, you can unzip it with tools such as 7-zip, winrar, etc. And after unzipping, you can see the image folders and text folders etc. So you can get the image files from it. This is why I requested the epub format. What I wanted to do was renaming & unzipping it and getting the image files from it, not viewing as epub format. If you open it as epub format, you'll probably see the page margins.
You don't have to worry about the output paper size, margins, aspect ratio etc
Because I don't read them as EPUB, I just want to extract the image files from them.
Or you can also convert your ebooks to Kindle mobi format, then I can convert them into epub/zip format by calibre.
Well that's all. I hope we could find the best way.
And I'm sorry for bothering you for this issue.
Don't worry, it doesn't bother me at all.
Thanks to you, I even discovered that it was possible to get all the pages of ebooks in jpeg when you convert kindle into epub format and change its terminology to .zip.
And magically, when I'm checking, the margins as well as the extra pages have disappeared!
I will now upload my files in this format.
I can also convert all pages to PDF for those who, like me, prefer this format or the epub one to read books on Apple iBooks, etc.
Besides, I never understood why people were reading books in jpeg format. I personally find this mode of viewing very uncomfortable because you have to select all files and if they are not in order, you must rename each pages. While a PDF or even better; an epub is easier to read with hypertext links quickly linking to the desired chapter.
The one and only advantage of having the jpeg format is, in my opinion, to be able to work on a specific page by placing it in the background layer on a software such as CLIP STUDIO PRO, Photoshop or illustrator. Apart from that, I can not see myself opening each pages one after the other just for the pleasure of using Jpeg format lol
Hello everyone, I have been following this thread for a long time, and I thank everyone so much for their hard work...! Many books here have been extremely useful.
I have to be rude and ask a request though, if that's okay, does anyone have any books on drawing / painting / etc landscapes, backgrounds, etc? There have been one or two posted in here before, but not many overall.
I have to be rude and ask a request though, if that's okay, does anyone have any books on drawing / painting / etc landscapes, backgrounds, etc? There have been one or two posted in here before, but not many overall.
@EdenGenesis: Thanks for sharing your books. But since it's all on, I can't access it, it keeps forcing me to allow something and I honestly don't want allow weird notification on my browser. You can use other shrink link for money service by any chance?
I hope you upload more super pose books.EdenGenesis said:
걱정 마세요. 전혀 신경 쓰지 않아요.
Don't worry, it doesn't bother me at all.
Thanks to you, I even discovered that it was possible to get all the pages of ebooks in jpeg when you convert kindle into epub format and change its terminology to .zip.
And magically, when I'm checking, the margins as well as the extra pages have disappeared!
I will now upload my files in this format.
I can also convert all pages to PDF for those who, like me, prefer this format or the epub one to read books on Apple iBooks, etc.
Besides, I never understood why people were reading books in jpeg format. I personally find this mode of viewing very uncomfortable because you have to select all files and if they are not in order, you must rename each pages. While a PDF or even better; an epub is easier to read with hypertext links quickly linking to the desired chapter.
The one and only advantage of having the jpeg format is, in my opinion, to be able to work on a specific page by placing it in the background layer on a software such as CLIP STUDIO PRO, Photoshop or illustrator. Apart from that, I can not see myself opening each pages one after the other just for the pleasure of using Jpeg format lol