Hello lovelies~ I was looking for these books. Can you help me to find a download link?


デジタルツールで描く! 魅力を引き出す女の子の服の描き方

jueony said:
1st one:
提取码: pgx5

I might get rest of them when I earn more points than now.
If the posebooks I shared here haven't been uploaded there, maybe you can post them there to get more points?
WarnerC3 said:
I will share another book through the links i found
not this one though, it's one of my art collection ( not in the tutorial book list though )
So thats a no? ive went through different review and i think its going to help. All good though, thanks.
Hey guys i have a recommendation
If you guys want to search some materials (video tutuorials on traditional art, 2D graphics, 3D graphics etc)

BiliBili users always share some materials they found (of course it's not legal at all lmao)

But if you're not the one who share, you're totally fine
lpb said:
If the posebooks I shared here haven't been uploaded there, maybe you can post them there to get more points?
Some of super pose books that you uploaded were already uploaded element3ds by other people. I'll upload your recent uploads so that get some points. Can I upload them to cgyaojiaohai which is similar Chinese website. I'm also gathering points in there to get stuff from there.
Thank you very much.
hello guys I'm trying to research element 3ds for getting points also cgyaojiaohai support baidu??? unfortunately I don't have QQ app...I'll test to upload my artbooks and tutorials in cgyaojiahai..

Jue, are you gonna migrate to cgyaojiaohai rather than element???
aiyishun said:
hello guys I'm trying to research element 3ds for getting points also cgyaojiaohai support baidu??? unfortunately I don't have QQ app...I'll test to upload my artbooks and tutorials in cgyaojiahai..

Jue, are you gonna migrate to cgyaojiaohai rather than element???
No I prefer element3ds to cgyaojiaohai.
I think element3ds is more active and has more materials.
But sometimes there are materials that are only posted on cgyaojiaohai(very rare case). I'm gathering points on cgyaojiaohai to get those materials.
But I mainly use element3ds.
jueony said:
Wow, thank you very much!!!!
May I ask where did you get it from? Or you just bought it?
HI jueony

私は中の機能 資源捜査 使っている
ak1234567 said:
HI jueony

私は中の機能 資源捜査 使っている

BTW, what keyword did you search for that book?
I tried to search it with Japanese title, but I couldn't find it.
ponchan0803sw said:
Does anyone have any of these books?

[SAI×Photoshopで描く 背景イラストテクニック ~人物のいる魅力的な風景を描く]×Photoshopで描く-背景イラストテクニック-人物のいる魅力的な風景を描く-garnet/dp/4774166588/ref=pd_sbs_14_2/356-3443616-5734716?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=4774166588&pd_rd_r=e4d033cb-73b7-11e9-8b82-99118fb491a2&pd_rd_w=pnVL4&pd_rd_wg=5fD74&pf_rd_p=ad2ea29d-ea11-483c-9db2-6b5875bb9b73&pf_rd_r=HYNKKZ3NFPWNMAMPNNK9&psc=1&refRID=HYNKKZ3NFPWNMAMPNNK9

[ステップアップ式 SAI×Photoshopで描く 背景レッスン ~季節や時の流れを自在に表現する]ステップアップ式-SAI×Photoshopで描く-背景レッスン-季節や時の流れを自在に表現する-garnet/dp/4774177563/ref=sr_1_34?__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&keywords=%E3%82%A4%E3%83%A9%E3%82%B9%E3%83%88+%E8%83%8C%E6%99%AF&qid=1557556855&s=gateway&sr=8-34]

[背景作画 ゼロから学ぶプロの技 神技作画シリーズ ]背景作画-ゼロから学ぶプロの技-神技作画シリーズ-mocha/dp/4046021519/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_3/356-3443616-5734716?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=4046021519&pd_rd_r=4b9831fa-73b9-11e9-bab4-1dbd7b4d938c&pd_rd_w=0JCEx&pd_rd_wg=3dUCT&pf_rd_p=2d39d87c-5ff4-47a9-a2d0-79fb936a2d97&pf_rd_r=4X6Z1CTVXG61GE05Z63F&psc=1&refRID=4X6Z1CTVXG61GE05Z63F

Please cooperate^^
2nd one:
Check Sugarevil's post on page 47

3rd one:
Check my DL LINK LIST on page 108. Search by 背景作画 after you open the list.
jueony said:
2nd one:
Check Sugarevil's post on page 47

3rd one:
Check my DL LINK LIST on page 108. Search by 背景作画 after you open the list.
thx!!! a lot!!!!!!!!!!
jueony said:

BTW, what keyword did you search for that book?
I tried to search it with Japanese title, but I couldn't find it.
ポーズ集 キワード
Bad news

I tried to register QQ account via english for element but they're received some message "server error" always.. because I lived in overseas
aiyishun said:
Bad news

I tried to register QQ account via english for element but they're received some message "server error" always.. because I lived in overseas
Hmm.. have you tried VPN?
ak1234567 said:
ポーズ集 キワード
jueony said:
jueony said:
Some of super pose books that you uploaded were already uploaded element3ds by other people. I'll upload your recent uploads so that get some points. Can I upload them to cgyaojiaohai which is similar Chinese website. I'm also gathering points in there to get stuff from there.
Thank you very much.
Of course, feel free to do so.

aiyishun said:
Bad news

I tried to register QQ account via english for element but they're received some message "server error" always.. because I lived in overseas
I get the same thing, I tried using vpn & chinese virtual number to get the sms and nothing worked so far.
lpb said:
Of course, feel free to do so.

I get the same thing, I tried using vpn & chinese virtual number to get the sms and nothing worked so far.
I've been having the same problems ><

On a side note, does anyone have a copy of this book, please?

I tried purchasing it but it says the page has expired
Christopothomas said:
I've been having the same problems ><

On a side note, does anyone have a copy of this book, please?

I tried purchasing it but it says the page has expired
It's on my DL LINK LIST on page 108. Search by 瞬撮アクションポーズ03
or Real action pose collection 03.
It has not been published yet. Amazon said the release date is May 30th 2019.
ak1234567 said:
jueony said:
Hmm.. have you tried VPN?
Yes, I tried so many times to register and it always server error just like lpb and christothomas experience unfortunately I can't help you for getting more points feel so useless so all I want to do is I'll distribute you from my tutorial and art books then you upload thru Chinese website for getting easily more points. I'll try my best to research it.

It's sounds fair right??? >< Yay or nay?
aiyishun said:
Yes, I tried so many times to register and it always server error just like lpb and christothomas experience unfortunately I can't help you for getting more points feel so useless so all I want to do is I'll distribute you from my tutorial and art books then you upload thru Chinese website for getting easily more points. I'll try my best to research it.

It's sounds fair right??? >< Yay or nay?
I don't mind If you're okay with it. I'll do my best to gather more points and get the links.
If you have tutorial books/references that you want to share on element3ds to get points,
please let me know what book you want to share.
jueony said:
Okay I got the rest of them.

2nd one:
提取码: gqai

3rd one:
提取码: kbxp
omg,Thanks alot!!
jueony said:
I don't mind If you're okay with it. I'll do my best to gather more points and get the links.
If you have tutorial books/references that you want to share on element3ds to get points,
please let me know what book you want to share.
Sure thank you so much, Jue!