mjwright said:
Anyone have How to Draw Manga - Mini Character no Kakiwake?
I was looking for this book too, and I found it on a person's mega.!euhzQLaD!4l0ghPwiv3BsnG2hY5K7Kg!jvwFkQIC

The scan quality is good (some blur but the details are excellent), it's unfortunately uncleaned though. It wasn't possible to put on a Kindle, so I cropped all of them carefully myself. Hopefully the quality is satisfying, it's only cropped not rotated but already much easier to read and look at.

Here's the cropped version (I strongly recommend getting instead):!HhhS2ALZ

Edit: Going through countless pages I've noticed it has been already done, the link was deeply buried 20 pages earlier. It's rotated nicely compared to mine, the quality (artifacts) is slightly worse (probably due to PDF compression). If you care about lossless quality I recommend my link but otherwise you'll probably want the PDF from page 52.
Xff34 said:
I was looking for this book too, and I found it on a person's mega.!euhzQLaD!4l0ghPwiv3BsnG2hY5K7Kg!jvwFkQIC

The scan quality is good (some blur but the details are excellent), it's unfortunately uncleaned though. It wasn't possible to put on a Kindle, so I cropped all of them carefully myself. Hopefully the quality is satisfying, it's only cropped not rotated but already much easier to read and look at.

Here's the cropped version (I strongly recommend getting instead):!HhhS2ALZ
Thank you ))
youssefjab said:

Super Pose Book Nude - Ballet, Rhythmic Gymnastics, And Acrobatic:!fQ0VWCrQ!x7pc_TN7yOAJc76VbuwDU7agmib5puXPpWuovoSJ86g
Thank You
Xff34 said:
I was looking for this book too, and I found it on a person's mega.!euhzQLaD!4l0ghPwiv3BsnG2hY5K7Kg!jvwFkQIC

The scan quality is good (some blur but the details are excellent), it's unfortunately uncleaned though. It wasn't possible to put on a Kindle, so I cropped all of them carefully myself. Hopefully the quality is satisfying, it's only cropped not rotated but already much easier to read and look at.

Here's the cropped version (I strongly recommend getting instead):!HhhS2ALZ

Edit: Going through countless pages I've noticed it has been already done, the link was deeply buried 20 pages earlier. It's rotated nicely compared to mine, the quality (artifacts) is slightly worse (probably due to PDF compression). If you care about lossless quality I recommend my link but otherwise you'll probably want the PDF from page 52.
This library is awesome
How to make background in clip studio.
「キャラの背景」描き方教室 CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! キャラの想いを物語る風景の技術
About this three books as I mentioned previously.
背景イラスト アイデア図鑑
This book is suck and only got bad reviews so I don't want to buy it anymore.
I will buy it in the future.
I got a hard copy of this book , perhaps I can take photos if someone needs.
Kitsutsuki said:
How to make background in clip studio.
「キャラの背景」描き方教室 CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! キャラの想いを物語る風景の技術
About this three book as I mentioned previously.
背景イラスト アイデア図鑑
This book is suck and only got bad reviews so I don't want to buy it anymore.
I will buy it in the future.
I got a hard cover of this book , perhaps I can take photos if someone needs.
Thanks a lot!!
Kitsutsuki said:
How to make background in clip studio.
「キャラの背景」描き方教室 CLIP STUDIO PAINTで描く! キャラの想いを物語る風景の技術
About this three book as I mentioned previously.
背景イラスト アイデア図鑑
This book is suck and only got bad reviews so I don't want to buy it anymore.
I will buy it in the future.
I got a hard cover of this book , perhaps I can take photos if someone needs.
Thanks for Sharing!! Can u take photo of the [魅力的なファンタジーキャラを作る発想&作画テクニック] I really love fantasy stuff alot!
proeng2005 said:
Do anyone have copy from this training?
Hi proeng2005

I am enrolled in this course, it is fantastic! I leaned a lot in a short time! But the only downloadable things in it are pdfs or images of what the sensei is explaining, with no text. The lessons themselves are in short videos, but they are also not downloadable.
Vivian55 said:
Hi proeng2005

I am enrolled in this course, it is fantastic! I leaned a lot in a short time! But the only downloadable things in it are pdfs or images of what the sensei is explaining, with no text. The lessons themselves are in short videos, but they are also not downloadable.
Are they going to make discount in another time like

Is it worth the price??
proeng2005 said:
Are they going to make discount in another time like

Is it worth the price??
I don't know if they will make a discount anytime soon, but I did some comparison and this is the price range. For me it was definitely worth the price. This course was best suited for me because I cannot attend live video classes (other courses offer one-on one tutoring in live sessions or in groups), and I can view the videos whenever I have time available. The best part is that there are assignments and you get feedback about them. I can fill you in on everything related to what I am learning in details if you like, so that you can decide if this course is for you or not. I can also send you the other two Japanese schools' links that were just as good for my manga learning needs. If you like I can DM with more details. I would be glad to help in any way I can :)
Vivian55 said:
I don't know if they will make a discount anytime soon, but I did some comparison and this is the price range. For me it was definitely worth the price. This course was best suited for me because I cannot attend live video classes (other courses offer one-on one tutoring in live sessions or in groups), and I can view the videos whenever I have time available. The best part is that there are assignments and you get feedback about them. I can fill you in on everything related to what I am learning in details if you like, so that you can decide if this course is for you or not. I can also send you the other two Japanese schools' links that were just as good for my manga learning needs. If you like I can DM with more details. I would be glad to help in any way I can :)
thanks a lot.

I'm interest to know more about it , and about the other two schools.
Anyone knows of a book on how to get better lineart? I swear I don't think I've ever seen one.
Kindle of

萌えキャラクターの描き分け 性格・感情表現編
Vivian55 said:
The last book is available in Chinese. I cannot remember which website it is in, but here it is:!3ORBUQZa!Cj2wtsBxh8z8ngVewwa6d07QOZIfM2ei1bpUGHmftX0
Hello, does anyone have the New Pose Catalogue books?
I'm a newbie I want to learn to draw a manga or draw in a public-
Possible books for a novice
hey guys, long time lurker here.

quick question, about to buy these books;

all 7 of them.

just wondering anyone know if there are English versions? i haven't noticed them around and am assuming no. publishers website doesn't seem to say they have English either.

appreciate any answers and I'll see what i can do about scanning or copying CD info after they arrive.

also, i know there where some posts about these awhile back, i believe it was a partial amount of the collection, and I'd just like to own the whole thing.

Merry Holidays.
Izzy-The-Hedgehog said:
hey guys, long time lurker here.

quick question, about to buy these books;

all 7 of them.

just wondering anyone know if there are English versions? i haven't noticed them around and am assuming no. publishers website doesn't seem to say they have English either.

appreciate any answers and I'll see what i can do about scanning or copying CD info after they arrive.

also, i know there where some posts about these awhile back, i believe it was a partial amount of the collection, and I'd just like to own the whole thing.

Merry Holidays.
hummm i guess someone posted one of those ones.. but i dont remember wich one does someone know what page is?
looks like its on page 55.

jueony said:
New books!

Title: スーパーデフォルメポーズ集 基本ポーズ・アクション編
DL(pose image files from CD)
seems to only include files from the CD for that particular book.

since I've been here its the only one I've seen online anywhere...
Does someone have How to Draw Manga - Mini Character no Kakiwake

Been looking for it forever.
Izzy-The-Hedgehog said:
looks like its on page 55.

seems to only include files from the CD for that particular book.

since I've been here its the only one I've seen online anywhere...