Do you mean a toggle to make pools hide posts in the index?
At the end of the day that is what we would get. Posts with visibility in the index should get coloured borders. I'm torn between letting the first post from a non-visible SuperPool showing in the index, or keep it in the Pool area only.

but it'd be a bunch of new UI and user education, and a lot of design questions to figure out.
This is where my idea falls down. It would need time and effort to test, and implement. Is it even worth doing this?

Of course, as we've talked about, score isn't everything
Score is meaningless on moe.imouto. It is n't like we get extra 'papers' (Thankfully) or anything like that. At the end of the day we should be making scans available to all, and a 'completed' checkbox for a SuperPool would allow the users to know when to grab the Pool.