hey, thanks for the feedback!

1.- yeah, I have noticed. the igoogle engine does that. if the field is empty, it uses the default value. If the default value is empty, then it works. The problem is that i dont see how to disable that default behavior and I can't set the default value to nothing, because, by default, the api list all ratings images, including rating:e
I don't want the gadget to show rating:e images, without user intervention ;)
you can make it not to use any tag, by removing the &tag=%t from the query field.
2.- yeah, I'l change it to use https
3.- ow. thats a remnant of one of my several tests. XD I'll change that too.
4.- yeah, is not designed to be maximized. the reason is because I'm not using the normal images, but only the thumbnails, mostly because I don't want to abuse the booru's ( in this case) bandwidth.
(thats the reason that it doesn't have direct download of the images, but instead opens a new window with the post url)
this images are the thumbnails you see when you click on the "Posts" link of
so, that small size you see is not the images scaled down, is the real, full size of the boorus thumbnails.
(the thumbnails of the gadget are scaled down img from the boorus thumbnails)
5.- Having arrows sounds like a good idea, I'll do it laters.
6.- adding more thumbnails would require me to redo the way the thumbnails work. Since the idea that the number of thumbnails depends on the width of the visible area sounds kind of good, then maybe I'll may do it on the future.
7.- Yeah, the look is similar to the post browser, still, is different from the approach I took. Also, I think the post browser uses the prototype framework, and Im not familiar with it. Using the same code would require me to change it to make it use the thumbnails (again, to not abuse the bandwidth), remove the blue box with the tags and edit options, and make it open the images in a new window instead of opening them on the same gadget.
Anyway, to have the full post browser with the full size images, then instead of using the gadget, would be easier to create an <iframe> that contains it.

hehe thanks again for your comments and help. I'll do my best to improve the gadget with them ;)