I too am against it. I use the MD5 hash name as a way to check for dupes locally. Often times I'll go to save a picture and I'll get the "this file already exists" message. Which is great. Because I could have saved it off any one of the boorus.

I sort by date modified anyway so it doesn't bother me that way.

And as MDGeist mentioned, it's easier to search by hash. I'm sure you can still do this, but I wont know what the hash is as easily. I find it useful when trying to tag pictures on my personal 'booru, as well as when trying to refind a picture to link to a friend.

That said, I do remember and still have files from when moe.imouto named them moe_imouto_org-p-118529650583164.png (Which feels like so long ago, but I guess it's not?)