You just run an MD5 program on the file, which is what you have to do for most images anyway.

If the filename is an MD5, then 99/100, you got the file from a danbooru site anyway, and it's faster to just use image search--especially with a GM script to help out. I just control-alt-click a thumbnail on any Danbooru site and it opens a tab with an image search (which includes a bunch of other things to make reposting easy). I think I posted that script at some point.

Radioactive said:
Why the sudden change? Have there been complaints about the naming schema?
Yes, by me. They're terrible. Another image board I saw (Gelbooru, maybe) used tags for the filename and it's always driven me nuts that our board didn't do that.

I might add an option at some point to allow tweaking filenames, but it's not really a trivial change (to pass preferences to the URL generation). If I implement a setting to set your preferred mirror, it'll probably happen after that (since that requires the same underlying changes).

MugiMugi said:
Why not keep the original filename ?
We don't know the original filename, and all too often it's something like "001.jpg", which isn't very useful. (Useful for saving whole pools, but in that case using the pool ordering as filenames would be about as good anyway...)