I'm not interested in keeping a copy of the whole database (and the other 10+ sites I added just because I could) like iqdb and the Booru search engines. It is overkill for just browsing around in my opinion. This does make the caching system quite a bit more complex though, if you want it running efficiently that is.

With my old code this was happening each time you entered a search or changed page:
- /post/index.xml?limit=1&tags=x (Just to get total amount of pages, because of sankaku does not include any post data here, but does provide 'count' and 'offset')
- /post/index.json?tags=x&page=y
- /tag/related.json?tags=x
When you just change page, the first and third request is exactly the same and unneeded. However even though it wasted quite some time on those extra requests, performance wasn't actually that bad on most sites.

So by avoiding repeating the same requests and a little bit of prefetching, I'm sure most people would be satisfied with the performance. (But honestly, I'm just embarrassed at how inefficient it was and want to improve it...)