petopeto said:
One major limitation in Photoshop is that you can only rotate in free transform by 0.1 degree; sometimes this is too coarse, so 0.3 will be rotated too little and 0.4 too much; 0.35 will just round to 0.4. This is really annoying. If you use Image/Rotate Canvas/Arbitrary, you can rotate by much finer increments, but that will only rotate the entire image and not one layer, so you have to split the layers apart, and you lose the benefit of being able to see the preview in realtime.
Use Gimp 2.6 =D
free degree rotate, pan out side of canvas, high quality preview anytime, any ratio. e.t.c.
I both have PS & Gimp, but i always use Gimp to aligh images ;)