kawaii_kuma_ said:
Sorry for replying so late but I had a few questions. Is Alipay like Paypal or something? Also, I was unable to register on Baidu but I wanted to know how do you buy books from "cgyaojiaohai" & can you register on the site too? If so, do you know how do I register and buy books? I apologize if it has been already answered before. I also wanted to know that I came across these links Jueony posted for the Mahou Tsukai, Kira Kira, and Go Princess Settei books:

Did you get these yet & do you have plans to update your site with more settei materials & keyframes? Thank you so much & I really love your site setteidreams so glad I came across it! Not too sure if I already mentioned it but thanks to everyone for the hard work that they put in to finding these books! Also, from the links that I sent what I did was I only saved the pictures of the settei that were posted on the threads.
Alipay is one of the services they use to pay for things with, kind of like Paypal. Cgyaojiaohai uses something else that isn't Alipay, so I have no idea how to get anything off it, unfortunately.

I will update my website with more materials, including genga and douga, but I don't have a lot of free time since I work a full-time job. A bunch of the settei I have needs to be edited before I can upload it. I'm happy you like it. I don't have the Precure settei you want though.