Shuugo said:
Your DNS aren't fully updated / your browser cache is messing with you.
I just looked up how to flush the DNS, and did that, and I also cleared my browser cache. The problem happens kind of randomly.

I'm subscribed to the RSS feeds, so I look up new images from Google Reader. For example, I clicked the latest entry for "Toradora!", which leads me to "", and when I click, "Original image", I receive text.

On the other hand, if I go back to the thumbnails(?) page, and click on the little star underneath, I actually get the proper image.


Just tried something before I submitted this post, after I thought a bit about what Petopeto said. He's right, if I have moe.imouto in the address instead of the IP, everything works.

Does this mean I'll have to resubscribe all my RSS feeds? They all link to the IP instead.

EDIT: Gah, I just tried some of the other feeds, and even though some link with the IP, everything works there as well. I'm back to being confused over what the problem is.

EDIT2: Just tested things out a bit more. If I navigate to an image normally, everything works. However, if I subscribe to a feed, and go to it through Google Reader, I'm linked back to an address with the IP anyway, meaning the, "Original image" link doesn't work. However, some of the RSS entries to a different image still works, despite leading me to the IP address.