The proper way to hide certain tags?
The are numerous posts here that are rated as explicit. Some are fine and some are well "hentai" or should I say abuse/rape/sex taged, thou it's not there...

I'd like to hide these hentai tags, I have hentai flagged, and they still show up even if i add explicit as rating, what am I doing wrong?
The hentai "tag" only shows up in the title bar for posts with rating:e, not in the tag list. Adding rating:e to your blacklist should block all explicit content.
Is there a way to blacklist posts from certain users? "user:name" doesn't seem to be working.
Aurelia said:
Is there a way to blacklist posts from certain users? "user:name" doesn't seem to be working.
Probably not.
Aurelia said:
Is there a way to blacklist posts from certain users? "user:name" doesn't seem to be working.
Who in particular?
Radioactive said:
Who in particular?
Right now, just Nazzrie. Seems like it's all low res porn, which he never tags properly either.
That's who I thought you were going to say. I'm usually tempted to delete anything he uploads.
Most of his uploads are barely the standard of 1100x1550.