Clarification on paid rewards and commissions variations
I want to make it clear how we should operate going forward:

1. If a post has a better version or paid reward available, please re-parent the post and do not delete the old post, instead, hide the old post from index.

2. spoiler
After having discussed the matter, when uploading multiple variations, make sure to parent them correctly and hide everything but parent from index.
How much variation we can upload?
Someone said before that 8 variations are too much and someone else said 5.
I'll go with 10 to make everyone happy. Please do keep it reasonable, and please hide all child variations from index.
I've found that using the "parent:none" command alleviates seeing excessive numbers of child posts. Only problem then is that sometimes a significant child post refers back to a pic that was posted months ago and if we're using that command we won't know that both it and the parent even exist.
Checkmate said:
I'll go with 10 to make everyone happy. Please do keep it reasonable, and please hide all child variations from index.
My opinion, disagree hiding child variations from the index.
Because, in my case, when I look at a picuture, I don't judge whether it's my favorite artists or not, but on whether it's a good picture or not based on the thumbnail. Probably there are many people who do the same.
I want to see good pictures even if by unknown artists. However, if this rule limits the display in the index to only the parent, then even if there are good pictures at child variations, it will be missed.
Please rethink this rule.
I never look at index. Good artists should be already on your checklist, artists who have direct connection too anime industry, and not some random cheap fanfiction ones, who are making 2+ copies othe same image with different clothes and call it an art. Those outside industry and who are worthy have to be in your bookmarks long long ago, that's the whole purpose of this booru.
The point is to not flood the index. And I don't think most variations are different enough that one will think the main one is bad while the others ones are good.
I hope to see good pictures, including those by unknown artists.
I need to look at the index for that.

I think the limit of 10 child variations is sufficient to not flood the index.
and, as alawala said, if child variations are posted later, Those who use the index as a key can't notice it.
I think this is also a problem.
Don't hold the posts, you will find them by using order:id_desc on the index.
Hidden post still can be found by search it using tags.

Limitation 10 child post it's for avoiding spam the site with unnecessary variation.
That time Dreista and his alt acc uploading 30+ child post (post #917435, #967527), but now we have solution for that.
Imo there is no reason for hiding them from index when using the hold function and unheld them separate from time to time. So there is no flooding and no need for hiding them.
and, as alawala said, if child variations are posted later, Those who use the index as a key can't notice it.
So there is no flooding and no need for hiding them.
All you're doing (or wanting) is making people see similar images repeatedly over the days.
And this is a bad thing?
In my opinion, don't use hold function if you refuse to hide all child variation. Of course, this won't make people see similar images repeatedly as admin6 said.
In my opinion, based on the observation of the number of votes, I would guess that about half of the people miss the pictures of hidden posts. In other words, many people are missing it without searching it. if there were child thumbnails like Danbooru, such missing might not happen, but there are none here. So I only use Hidden post for low quality diffs.
If possible, I prefer variation limit to 5, 10 are too much and the result user held over 500 posts.
Yeah, I know, I'm such a bad girl.
Dunno what's the problem of holding such a number. All are getting relased within a month. And some of them will be not even shown to the index.

hiroimo2 said:
In my opinion, based on the observation of the number of votes, I would guess that about half of the people miss the pictures of hidden posts. In other words, many people are missing it without searching it.
That's right.
I like seeing a large variety of different versions of artwork, it allows you to find ones that are more to your tastes. What I don't much enjoy is the same image repeatedly, but just at different resolutions (why not just the highest res?)...
To be clear, I'm just perfectly happy that people are uploading all the great artworks on this site. For which I must say: thank you.