Unable to access images on certain servers
I'm unable to access images that are hosted on certain servers. I get all the thumbnails, but when I click on the images themselves, the page loads, but the image doesn't. Anything on comes up fine; but nothing on elis, or any other server from what I can tell, will load.
Checking further, it looks like it's just elis; since images hosted on ranka seem to be coming up fine as well.
Had that problem myself today...fixed magically on its own. I take it's the routing. Try using a proxy until it comes back.
syaoran-kun said: Try using a proxy until it comes back.
How? what? when? D:
sorry, Elis is down again
me2 me2 ~~ cannot access images on ELIS
T,T naseda ? naseda yo ~~~~

if you get any ip address other then:

then that is why you are not able to see the site....I think one of our DNS is handing out the wrong IP but I don't have access to all of them....

if you get a ip that is not the one of the above, do ipconfig /flushdns and try again..
I assume it's safe to mention this, just delete comment if not ;p

If you load up the fullsize image in a new tab and change it from elis to sheryl or ranka, it'll load just fine from the other server instead.

edit: incidentally, just pinged elis and got ip then request time-out.
admin2 said:
I think one of our DNS is handing out the wrong IP but I don't have access to all of them....
I looked into it and your assumption was correct. It seems that (aka is the one giving out the wrong IP. Since this it's being given out as an authoritative answer, other DNS servers seems to have cached it (even though it seems to be set as the secondary name server).



The primary name server, and the third name server are giving out the correct IP.

There are many publicly assessable DNS servers out there, so I recommend that people just change their DNS to one that pulls the correct IP. On Windows you can test this by opening a command prompt and typing the following:


Personally I use a couple of the Level3 name servers ( as my primary DNS and the Sprintlink name servers ( & as my backup DNS. Using those two which are both are run by a major backbone and have excellent latency to where I live, I never have DNS problems. My choice of DNS was also spurred by that fact that my ISP uses Level3 as their primary backbone and Sprintlink as their secondary backbone.

As for people outside of the USA, I have no idea what options you have for a high quality, public DNS servers with low latency, but I'm sure there are many.
should be fixed now, if still not working do ipconfig /flushdns and it should work..
Yep, as well as the rest of the name servers all are now giving out the correct IP. This suggests that within the next 24-48 hours everybody's DNS should have cached the corrected IP and no longer have issues accessing elis.

ipconfig /flushdns won't do much good until the DNS servers people are using have cached and are reporting the corrected IP. Hence, give it 24-48 hours before you start complaining that it still doesn't work.
yea it is working now for me. hope others solve their elis problem as well.
ranka doesn't work for me atm.
I think I forgot to pay for it
admin2 said:
I think I forgot to pay for it
you make me laugh ^_^
Noooo, anything but ranka, she's the only server I get really good speeds from :o Well, elis is pretty good too, but sheryl is just abysmal (hardly surprising given my distance from her). Makes perfect sense of course that most of the images I like all end up being served by sheryl heh.
I just noticed that the servers are named after Macross characters :)