RSS Feed Limit
Is there any way to increase the limit on the RSS feed?

Currently it's at 20 images and since it fills up very quickly, missing entries is easy because new ones will bump old ones off the list.

So overnight say 35 images are posted, and my feed will only show the last 20in the morning, so I'll miss 15. Anyway around this?
100 would seem somewhat more reasonable, mostly it's rare for more than a few dozen new images to be posted in a day at most so 100 would be a good number imo.

Personally I just have a quick browse of the index every day for new stuff though, RSS is fine and all but I find the index to be quicker all in all.
For some reason I though you could use limit:100 on that but seems like it's only on the API xml
See the thing is that I have multiple RSS feeds aggregated into one beautiful cocktail using this:

Each feed gives me twenty items at a time, so 4*20=80. Unfortunately some move at incredible speeds and pass their limit within 12 hours at times. So I'm looking for a solution.
Use a different feed reader is all I can say, a desktop one would probably be more useful. I'm no RSS expert, so I subscribe to most feeds using the built-in reader in Internet Explorer, which I've configured to archive the last 100 or so items. Also if you change the "piclens" in the feed address to "atom", I think you can get thumbnails.
Yeah, atom supports thumbs, hence why danbooru has atom disabled unless you're a contributor or whatever rank is above the regular grunts, they've got crappy bandwidth already so I guess adding atom feeds for everyone with thumbs would be crazy (of course, adding more servers would seem logical but apparently they're too cheap for that).
Radiosity said:
Yeah, atom supports thumbs, hence why danbooru has atom disabled unless you're a contributor or whatever rank is above the regular grunts, they've got crappy bandwidth already so I guess adding atom feeds for everyone with thumbs would be crazy (of course, adding more servers would seem logical but apparently they're too cheap for that).
The way to show thumbs of danbooru atom (and surely I'm not a contributor or something else) is use https feed reader, such as googlereader. Because they just use refer page checking to decide if show the thumbs or not, but https have disabled the referpage report. :P
ahaha, nice one :D I actually do the same with danbooru as here, just browse once or twice a day to stay up to date, but I might try your method there and see how it works as well.