Local file copying (XP)
I'm using the free version of TeraCopy. Anything better on the market?
Obviously command-line driven copying is an option, but I'm looking for GUI-based copying.
Err, Windows Explorer works fine.
Tried it, pretty nice :D
petopeto said:
Err, Windows Explorer works fine.
Very funny.
syaoran-kun said:
Tried it, pretty nice :D
It is.
Radioactive said:
Very funny.
You're going to have to explain yourself here, because Windows Explorer does, in fact, work fine. I use it exclusively for file management in Windows. It's not without quirks (nothing is), but overall it's very effective.
Why don't you download TeraCopy/Fastcopy and have a look at the additional functionality?

XP file management has always been a little 'odd'
aww, fastcopy can only handle 999mb buffer max :<

well saves at lot of stress for hdd and first tests seem faster than using strg+c/v on explorer

however, it lacks serious functions of totalcommander, and explorer is still faster too use in normal situations due to drag+drop

edit :
well its really fast when copying stuff from same hdd to same hdd... but, why should i do that ? moving stuff via strg+x is WAY faster than copying..

the only reason why i would copy on the same hdd would be because of a truecrypt container...

other than that, its same speed when copying to other drives... and thus imho is only usefull in really limited scenarios!
I tend to find with things like this that all the effort of setting stuff up and learning how to effectively use the program is more time and effort than just doing it the usual way.
Radiosity said:
I tend to find with things like this that all the effort of setting stuff up and learning how to effectively use the program is more time and effort than just doing it the usual way.
Not in this case. FastCopy, especially, was quick to setup. I'm using it to update my backup on my NAS using Diffs.
Has anyone tried FastCopy in Windows 7?
Nope, haven't used win7 since the last beta before RC so can't help. Win7 is still too bloated and... well, too WINDOWS for my tastes. At least with XP I can strip all the bloat out easily :)
Teracopy is perfect for me except for a few minor points:

1. When I copy or move files, the destination files wouldn't be selected when finished as they would when using XP default copy handler.

2. Teracopy is not as responsive as XP default copy handler, I gotta wait a few hundred millisecs to get local file moving done. This is nothing too bad but it sucks when you are sorting out local files.
Radioactive said:
Has anyone tried FastCopy in Windows 7?
I just tried it and it works fine.
I'm curious as well, but why use bloated software for copying over files when in fact the windows explorer works as intended?

Sure "Move/Copy to" might be missing from Win 7 (and Vista unless I forgot) with this:
Feito said:
I'm curious as well, but why use bloated software for copying over files when in fact the windows explorer works as intended?
'bloated' ? Fastcopy is very lightweight. Read this -